The second part of the first SauerLeague event will be taking place tomorrow. If you are interested in participating you should visit their website and visit their IRC channel (#sauerleague on if you have any questions. When: 5:00 PM CET (ffa), 7:15 PM CET (CTF) Website: Link Info: Li...
A bit late but not too late! We’d like to remind you all that jumper will host the first Cube Engine Wold Cup today! Due to the time of writing, here just some quick facts: Date: 9th january (7pm CET) and 16th january (7pm CET approx.) (yes, that’s NOW HURRY) Format: iCTF 3vs3, eCTF 3vs3 Ant...
As announced this Sunday, the first SauerLeague event will be taking place tomorrow. If you are interested in participating you can still do so by visiting their IRC channel (#sauerleague on When: 5:00 PM CET (effic), 7:15 PM CET (eCTF) Info: Link Anti-cheat: Link IRC: (#sauerleague...
As a few of you may have heard, a new sauerbraten tournament called “SauerLeague” will be hosted in the new year. The league is currently organized by Frosty, who is also a member of the Sauerworld crew. As noted on their website, their goals are to provide a fair, and long-living tournament...
—> ( <— Mit gibt es ab jetzt einen offiziellen (von Amts wegen abgesegneten und steuerlich registrierten) deutschen Kanal zum Austausch zwischen Deutschsprachigen. Österreicher, Schwizerdütsche und sogar Bayern werden auch geduldet. Schau vorbei un...
We know it’s been a while but don’t forget to submit your glorious ingame scenes for our Moments of Glory series! Submissions here. To refresh your memory, this is what Moments of Glory 12 looked like. The not-so-glorious scenes (a.k.a. Moments of Fail) go here. We intend to make another Chr...
Day 2 of SuperSauerLeague’s farewell tournament has come to an end and these are the results: In ffa 1v1 [flag=’cz’] Honzik1 was able to defeat [flag=”ca”] Frosty in the finals to take home the last ffa title. [bracket] Unfortunately for the CTF 3v3 event only three teams w...
Day 1 of SuperSauerLeague’s farewell tournament has come to an end and these are the results: In instagib 1v1 the Czech allstar [flag=’cz’] Honzik1 made a clean sweep and secured the victory in the finals against [flag=’fr’] lagout. The 3rd place went to Honzik1’s cla...
It has been a while since we – the Inexor team – have reported here on Sauerworld regarding the progress of our game. However, we would now like to get you up to date.
tl;dr; what? and gamesurge irc: #racing-extreme who? eC.Térence, but with the help and suggestions from lot’s of people (credits on the website) why? because it’s the new generation of sauer racing.
Here are the details for SuperSauerLeague’s december event. Date: December 6th, December 13th Time: 5 PM CET Format: Double Elimination Signup: Contact Fear, Frosty, Lokio, or swattlama in IRC. Alternatively you can sign up with challonge. FFA Instagib eCTF CTF Brackets: FFA, Instagib, eCTF, iCTF...
Much to our delight, our attention has been drawn to a promising new league called Cube Engine World Cup, or CEWC for short. [Read on after the break!]
Up to now, you've always had to put up with endless personal tirades penned by either swatllama or Acuerta. Now's your time to shine. Vote and leave a comment!
People apparently had a lot of time recently, with all those fragmovies coming out… Here is another (really, really good) one by swatllama! If you are a victim of GEMA, you can download the original file here.