The notas respectable guide to FFA

Remember FFA for Dummies? Well, notas finally finished his improved version and now it is simply called the FFA Guide. This quite extensive guide is aimed towards beginners as well as experienced ffa players. It is a very detailed guide in which notas not only describes basic item tactics but also more...
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Q&A #27- Discord or Mumble + Irc, what do you prefer?

As you remember we reported on a program named “Discord”, a cross-platform voice and text chat app designed specifically for gamers. You had some time to test this new program and now we want to hear your experiences. So we asked several players: If you compare Discord to Irc and Mumble/Team...
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New Gamemods!

Have you become sick of 24/7 efficctf forge? Did you imagine a better life? A better game? And have you prayed for a change? Fear not! For your prayers have been heard! Following the birth of game modes such as Rugby and Zombie Outbreak, here are 4 brand new mods for your pleasure! Only one ...
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[How to] install spaghetti mod on debian 8

Although not meant for the average, noob clan-server admin, Pisto’s spaghettimod is becoming more and more popular. It’s no secret that next to pisto’s own server, two of the most popular servers DEMOPHOBIA and :: pastaland :: runs this mod. So lets install it! Once again, be warned: Q...
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Sauerworld restructuring

As of now, Sauerworld will return to the old Sauercom blog structure. Hence we invite everyone to write posts about whatever is on their mind! We, the coreteam, will do our best to keep the old ‘weekly’ content alive and we are always on the lookout for helping hands! If you are interested,...
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SauerLeague Changes

As some of you might already know, SauerLeague will no longer provide a regular competitive tournament, but instead switch to a more flexible event based schedule. Games will be announced on, and won’t just include the good ol’ sauerbraten modes insta, effic and ffa; but also...
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Introducing: Discord

A handful of community members have recently been using Discord as a new way of communicating with each other. Thanks to obst, we now have our own server that welcomes all players from the community. We’ve already gained 40+ users in just a few a days. If you wish to learn more continue reading be...
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Sauerbraten Live Streaming!

In case you missed it, LandRiders7th announced to start a twitch channel dedicated to all things around Sauerbraten. We are not sure at which times he will be streaming, but you can check out his latest recordings and all future casts on his twitch site. Who?: LandRiders7th Where?:
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Introducing: cubot

Everyone welcome Sauerworld’s new ircbot cubot! What can he do? A lot! Next to posting sauerwold and clan news, he has some silly things such as ?chucknorris, ?hangman and ?theyfightcrime. But most likely you wil want to use him for the ?cw function! So here a short turorial: All the commands star...
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Clan Activity 2016 #2 + update

Update: Because of all your comments, i decided to write an update. So this is basically a collection of all the comments from below: A new clan has emerged: }TgC{ (website) Current Members Are: Mayro, Insano, AshFrag’em Sweeper joined |RB| (no source, what did you expect?) Swattlama joined va| (source)...
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