Following a recent mention in the CompetitiveDiscord Server, it’s time to announce this here. When: October 22nd, 6pm CET – 4 Teams minimum Mappool: collide enigma forge haste luna redemption reissen Format: Double Elimination, best of 3 winner’s bracket and best of 1 loser’s bracket. In t...
Guys, it is time again. Let’s see if effic will be as cool as insta! When: Sunday, September 3rd 2023, 6pm CET Mode: efficiency Map pool: turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine Format: Double Elimination (Winner and Loser brackets); Winner’s BO3: Higher seed picks first, low...
Hosting some tourneys, again. Every skill level is welcome. Insta 1vs1 date: 20th august, 6:00pm cest format: Double elimination, top bracket bo3, losers bracket bo1, top bracket higher seeds picks first, followed by lower and then veto until one map is left. In the loser’s bracket, each player will vet...
Hello guys! “Moments of Glory” turns 10! Which once started out as a short one-minute video by p1x turned into a series of 17 videos made by several contributors like p1x, Ace, Knoxville, Fat4lity, Jumper and Inko! As a celebration, Inko, Wollmilchsau and me join forces to create an 18th Mo...
IMPORTANT: All players have to download and install an anticheat as prerequisite to compete in the tournament. Anticheat download link: When: May 21st, 18PM CETMappool: TBDFormat: Double Elimination, best of 3 winner’s bracket and best of 1 loser’s...
BITCHES!!!!!!!!! That’s right, your new daddy is me and my partner in women, Russle the Love Muscle. I bitchslapped the piss outta that german Manu and made him my bitch for a budweiser lol so I’m running the shit here now. Fearless is taking over running all the servers and will be your new...
The wait is over. The Sauerbraten developers aardappel and eihrul have reunited to develop Cube 2: Sauerbraten’s final successor. Together with Sauerworld, they provide us with a small showcase of their Final Dance. Take a look!
The next tourney will be dedicated towards eCTF again, yay!When: March 5th(!), 6PM CETMappool: enigma forge haste luna redemption reissen twinfortsFormat: Double Elimination, best of 3 winner’s bracket and best of 1 loser’s bracket. In the winner’s bracket, each team will pick a map (higher seed picks f...
Alright, its time for competetive & serious team-events again: When: February 12th, 6PM CET Format: Double Elimination, best of 3 winner’s bracket and best of 1 loser’s bracket. In the winner’s bracket, each team will pick a map (higher seed picks first), and then each team will get two vetoes (lowe...
Hello guys. It’s time to try out tournament hosting and what better to host than my second favourite gamemode? ITURB! A quick overview: WHEN: Saturday, February 4th 2023, 6pm CET Mode: instagib Map pool: turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine, turbine Format: Double Elimination (Winner and Loser brack...
After another year of frags, flags, and falls, enough demos of the falls have been gathered to put together another Moments of Fail for your viewing pleasure! This holiday season, we’re pleased to showcase Moments of Fail #3, recorded and edited by Inkowinko.
Hi, the next event will be a friendly fun ffa tourney. When: 18th December, 6PM CETMappool: conflict corruption crypta hades hator metl4 tumwalkBracket: Double elimination, top bracket bo3, losers bracket bo1, top bracket higher seeds picks first, follo...
Hey all, the next tourney will be our beloved eCTF mode again. When: October 30th, 6PM CET Mappool: collide enigma forge haste luna redemption reissenFormat: Double Elimination, best of 3 winner’s bracket and best of 1 loser’s bracket. In the winner’s bracket, each team will pick a map (higher seed pic...
Congrats Rexus for taking the title this time around! This tournament had tons of younger, newer players show up, which is always a success for my udder! First Place: RexusSecond Place: PartizanThird Place: FrostyBracket: The community owes many thanks to Corde...