Give Us Your Feedback!

Since we haven’t been getting the user participation lately that we want to inspire with our efforts, we would like to hear your feedback on the matter! Naturally, we decided to direct our focus to the tournament hype these days and provide you with all sorts of pre and post-game coverage. The cru...
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Sauerworld Map Pack – 2018 November

Map pack has been updated, we added collide to the list of existing maps. If you already have the most recent mappack you can download collide separately. Collide only download: Full mappack: If you need guide on how to install the map check this post: Sauer...
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SD #23 FFA 1v1 Recap

Hello friends, I am just writing this article straight after the tournament got finished, and to be honest with you guys, I am still feeling excited, thrilled and amazing about it. After the previous effic tournament, which was a huge success, we had another really good tournament. This tournament had m...
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Interview with SD #22 Winner raffael

You were promised an interview with the winner of SauerDuels #22, so an interview you shall get! Hello raffael, how do you feel after winning such a fiercely contested title? Fine. The format was different and it was definitely a bit weird to wait in between the games all the time. (How) did you prepare...
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SD #22 Effic 1v1 – The Aftermath

Forgive us for the delay, but it took a while to come down from the 29-players-duel-tournament-induced high. Yes, that’s right, 29 participants! What. A. Massive. Turnout! The Games To make it quick: raffael won the tournament, thus securing his third effic 1v1 title in a row. hades surprised ever...
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SD #22 Effic 1v1 – Pre-Game Analysis

Thanks to, we have at our disposal everything we need for a brief look at the contestants of SauerDuels #22! For the purpose of our analysis we had sauertracker show us all effic duels since October. |DM|Lokio (stats) The favourite for many. 40 effic duels in the past month, of which he...
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