Hello Sauerworld, Captain Cannon here to answer yet another question! I’m ready to hear your deepest thoughts and your darkest secrets. Need some advice? Have a question? Drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to give you the answers you truly desire! So, what’s on your mind? De...
This might be your last chance to determine the fate of the SauerFork project! The doors are closing on Sunday 30th of November! Then we will know At this very moment the most race is led by inexor, very close followed by Trident and Wackelpudding is on 3rd position! Click on the link below to ...
Tuesday …. ehm…. i mean wednesday evening, sorry for being that late this week, time for the next part of our Q&A series. This week, we wanted to know from our interviewees what motivates them to hang/play around in Sauer nowadays. Check out their answers below: <Star> Sauerbraten...
Hello everyone, I decided to make use of the 60fps feature that’s been introduced to youtube recently and upload some of my demos without any editing whatsoever. Most of you probably won’t care, but I figured maybe there are some newcomers who would like to see what the more competitive side...
Last week the Dark Keepers suffered an unpredictable loss with Sweeper leaving the clan after only one month. [Source] However, the mourning period must have come to a brief end when first Wille, previously an Old School Hunter, and then sparta (from wasted potential) could be recruited mere days later....
Hello Sauerworld, Captain Cannon here! I’m ready to hear your deepest thoughts and your darkest secrets. Need some advice? Have a question? Drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to give you the answers you truly desire! So, what’s on your mind? Dear Cpt. Cannon! Are you a super...
Time to recollect! Out of the 11 interviews there have been so far, which one did you enjoy most? To help you with your decision we have collected all past interviews for you: 2014/11/15 – An Interview with degrave 2014/11/10 – Map Discovery – Interview with Papriko 2014/10/12 –...
On a Saturday in the very beginning of Fall of 2008, a player who would later go on to create arguably the greatest Sauerbraten map of all time had a simple idea. At the time there were plenty of Sauerbraten channels, but they were all for individual clans. Everyone was spread out. There needed to be, h...
Voting for MoG #8 is over and here are the results from the poll (90 votes in total): Fear got 26 votes swatllama got 19 votes Nighty got 16 votes Jumper got 15 vote Star got 14 vote Congratulations to everyone and thanks for submitting so many great scenes! Submissions for MoG #9 are still ...
The Sauerbraten Community Edition project is excited to announce version v0.1, the first official release! In addition to all of the enhancement’s that pisto and the rest of the team provide in the sdos-client’s SDL2 base, the ComEd includes even more features and customization options for p...
Ever heard of Dear Abby letters? Well, f*** Abby, Captain Cannon is in the house now! You can (anonymously) submit questions for Captain Cannon and he will answer them .. or not. Just use the submission form below! Will the Captain answer your questions seriously or humorously? Who knows. :D The best qu...
For our 7th Q&A, we decided to ask some select members of the community, How should cheaters be dealt with? Should they be permanently banned? Here’s what they had to say! <degrave> It is not efficient to ban a cheaters by single IP or mask, a cheater can have dynamic IP or you can ban i...
Here are the results of this month’s DKSC eCTF league: The first place was reached by the Impressive Squad, their players being Honzik1, Potato and TheLove. The second place was taken by rC, followed by vaQ as third. Other participants were DK and RB, whereas w00p’s team didn’t show up...
Remember when you readers were supposed to vote for our next interviewee? Drakas placed first, but unfortunately we couldn’t get ahold of him lately. Drakas, however, was followed at a narrow margin by, inter alios, degrave! Fear: “degrave” is a name we hear a lot around the sauerbrate...
The crew that set out to fork Sauerbraten quite a while ago is now leaving the choice of a name for their game to us! If you still don’t know what SauerFork is about, here’s our interview with them.