Alright folks, today we bring you the lucky number 13. For this 13th edition of Q&A we asked a select group of players in the community about their thoughts the playermodels they use. What were their answers? Find out below! <jawer> I was using Iron Snouts for a very long time now and never th...
Welcome to our third installment of the Map Discovery map reviews! This time we introduce you to the map “Origin”, go ahead and read on for more info! For this review, we at Sauerworld (with the help of some friends) have decided to edit the map a bit to make it more playable, and thus ...
Remember the days when Sauerbraten was all about sitting back with a Tom Collins in one hand and a tennis racket in the other? That’s right, today I bring you the remembrances of Sauer Tennis! For those of you who don’t remember, Sauer Tennis was a phenomenon brought to you by..., the duel tracking service by Drakas has undergone significant development over the past few days. We hope that these new updates will provide a better dueling experience for all! Key features: New and improved navigation Real-time scores...
About SSL We’re happy to inform you that the first SSL event is going to take place soon! Wait, what… SSL? This is a Sauerbraten website – and I have certainly never heard about the acronym “SSL” before, at least not in this context. Did I miss anything? Of course, we could...
Ladies and Gentlemen, we hereby present the next episode of our Q&A series. This week the phenomenon of master sharing, which first appeared with the Collect Edition, intrigued us. So we asked several players about their experiences with it. Check out their answers below! <obst> I thought abou...
Since Acuerta’s retirement from Sauerbraten, the Sauerworld staff has taken some time to think about where we want to go and plan for the future. The first decision we’ve made is about the organization. I, mefisto, will be the head of the Sauerworld project, and bandandit will be Editor-in-C...
Today’s DKSC just ended, and these are the results: Winner: vaQ 2nd place: sp4nk 3rd: !s 4th: DK – 5th: CEA – 6th: RB As you may have noticed, rC’s place was spontaneously taken by sp4nk shortly before the tournament started. RB forfeited after the first game and didn’t sho...
The wait was long, but here it finally is: Moments of Glory #9! As last time, the video will be blocked in Germany, so here is a link to a Dailymotion upload: For the quality nerds of us, here is a download link for the original file. And in case you did not know, we ...
Hello Sauerworld, I’m Captain Cannon! This week I’ve taken questions from someone way too obsessed with cookies and one of my personal gaming heroes! Dear Cpt. Cannon! Sometimes when i go to bed i hear a voice in the next room that says very frequently: “im going to spill my milk on y...
Starting today, submissions for Moments of Glory #10 are open. Yes, this also means I’m working on bringing you MoG #9… ;) Two more things: Firstly, since it’s been a while since the last episode, all the zippyshare links in the topic for submissions for MoG #9 expired. If your submiss...
While doing some research for new SauerQuiz questions I came across an old video that }TC{CoYoTe made for one of the very first PSL tournaments in February, 2008. The match was The Conquerors versus QuickSilver during the second round of capture on map nmp9. The quality isn’t so great (he only ha...
He made noobs shit carrots, brought direct mouse input to Sauer, sparked a zombie apocalypse and fights crime at night – I speak of course about the one and only, Sauer’s personal superhuman: pisto. A community member that, despite his absence from the gaming and mapping, shouldn’t nee...