Moments of Glory #8 – Video & Voting

Moments of Glory #8 is here! Now in 60 fps smoothness (at least in Chrome)!

What is your favorite scene from MoG #8?

  • 4. Fear's unexpected rocket hit (29%)
  • 3. swatllama's flag domination (21%)
  • 1. Nighty's double chainsaw (18%)
  • 5. Jumper's technical flagrun (17%)
  • 2. Star's airnade to the face (16%)
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And don’t forget to submit your cool stuff for MoG #9!

Speaking of submissions, Acuerta would like to make a short appeal.

Winter is coming again folks and that can only mean one thing: fragging season!

Truth be told though, it does sadden us a little that we’re only getting submissions from the same (awesome!) 5 guys over and over again when we would actually love to present frags from the whole community to you! We understand that there may be a few reasons as to why some of you are hesitant to submit their cool shots, so let us straighten that:

If you’re concerned that your submission might be too bad: It’s never “too bad”. Worst case scenario is we decide that it’s unfit and delete it. No harm done. Usually all submissions are good enough to be in the intro/outro though!

If you don’t want to be mentioned by name: You can upload your demo somewhere (e.g. zippyshare), send the link to SauerCom on IRC and tell us you want to stay anonymous. Again, no harm done!

If there is any other reason, just let us know! I’m sure there is a solution for everything.

We hope to hear/see from you. Happy fragging!



  1. Fear

    Thanks Aga!

    Indeed the video isnt that good this month, im sure px will do a better job next month again;).

    And as Acuerta already said, SUBMIT YOUR DEMOS! We cant do good videos wtihout a solid base.


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