Moments of Glory #12 is finally here! This time Jumper bestowed the honour upon us, becoming our 6th editor after pix, Acuerta, Ace, knoxville and Fatality!
Which scene from MoG#12 is your favourite?
- Acuerta (64%)
- Jawer (36%)

Moments of Glory #12 is finally here! This time Jumper bestowed the honour upon us, becoming our 6th editor after pix, Acuerta, Ace, knoxville and Fatality!
Which scene from MoG#12 is your favourite?
Very nice job Jumper for editing. I like this version a LOT, except the song.
Sad for scenes. I know we sauer players can do better even Acuerta and his rape is just amazing. Play more clanwars, get more material! :D
i can spam the Mog with dozens of amazing scenes but why should i do this? (i dont earn money with it)
You can see most times only the same persons…
Not all people need to show their dick, because their dick is big enough ;-)
And i dont know why some moments are “glory”….
i had at least 70% of this situations too, same with alot of other players… so i ask me what is the “Glory” moment?? The most situations are rare but not glory.
btw. good job Jumper i like the music.
I see what you did there.
If you don’t have anything to contribute other than “I’m not submitting anything because I don’t want to show off my big dick, but I’ll prove to you that I have nothing to prove by claiming that i have dozens of more amazing scenes because I’m such a pro” then feel free to fuck off. :)
P.S. everyone knows you blow and that’s why you don’t submit anything
Why not just submit only a few scenes or even one and see if you make it into the video? If you don’t care about these videos, why do you even watch them? Clearly these videos appeal to you, so why not contribute by being part of them?
If you are lazy like me (I didn’t submit anything so far, either), at least don’t complain about seeing the same players in these videos over and over again and stop insinuating those that do submit their scenes of doing it to show how big their dick is.
It’s not about showing how big your dick is, it’s about entertaining the community and maybe getting 5 minutes of fame (nothing wrong with that, even if you don’t need any more fame).
I’d also like to thank Jumper and congratulate him.
Sure, there was one or the other minor flaw but overall it is a very enjoyable video!
Some things that could be handled even better next time:
– some effects like the lens flare were a bit over the top
– sometimes you were in the wrong team, thus making enemies blue and teammates red.
Nice MoG. A bit too dark and Jawer’s moment was kinda fucked up with effects but the vid in general was nice.
Also, I saw many submissions, why only 2 nominees?
I understand, maybe they weren’t that cool but still, 2 nominees are just not enough.
This.. Are we just not good enough anymore… lol
Would’ve liked if you’d put in my lovely ffa clip, but nice video anyway. I wasn’t into the effect you put in at 0:56 ,and it didn’t really seem to have a point anyway since it was the end of that clip.
I give this one a 6/10. The music was pretty bad and I couldn’t even tell what was going on in a couple of the intro clips because the angle you had showed them didn’t quite show what was going on. Also a lot of the effects were really weird and out of place.
Also, look at the clip at 1:30. the only reason I know what happened is because that was my clip. you didn’t even show what was going on or how the shot was made.
Fatality still stands as best editor, though I’m sure a big part of why this edition of MoG wasn’t fantastic was because the submitted clips were adequate at best.
I totally disagree, Zoocata. I was looking very carefully for every submission but most of them weren’t good enough for nominees. Yours was made quickly, because showing how you’re camping in the corner wasn’t really a good idea. Friteq: “My favourite moment is zoocata’s one. I was like woot” So I believe that it’s fine. The point of the video was to make a good quality video. I picked the best effects existed in editing tool. I agree that Fatality shows all moments from many angles but that doesn’t makes him a better “editor”.
Just realized how harsh I sounded! :/ sorry. I overlooked all the good in the episode. It’s well done but could’ve been better in the places I described. Nice job :)
I mostly agree with you, Zoocata. The only thing that I agree with Jumper with is, his effects on yours actually did look nice. The other effects though, eh.
I really enjoyed the 1080p 60fps experience. I encourage everybody who is going to make MoGs in the future to use that youtube feature if possible.
I’ll just post what I already said in IRC:
– encoding is kinda crappy. really mushy looking in 1080p fullscreen sometimes. should be easy to fix though.
– sometimes the effects were just over the top for my taste. worst was Jawer’s nomination clip.
– song is good
– cuts are mostly good, only the haste clip that’s only like 1 second (at 1:30) is pretty weird
But overall a good episode. well done, Jumper!
I liked how the video was made and your effects were matching but sometimes too much like the others said, still made it much better than without effects.
I didn’t watch what others submitted in the MoG thread but I can’t believe there weren’t any better things than hitting 5-6 cool rifles in a row. In my opinion it actually makes more sense to do it like the previous editors content wise to fill in some more nominees just so you got more than 2 even if they aren’t as impressive.
Also I know you don’t like some of the players, which is why you should try to be more tolerant with the posted demos.
(vote for me pls)
“Also I know you don’t like some of the players, which is why you should try to be more tolerant with the posted demos.” You think that I didn’t posted some guys cause I don’t like them? It’s not true. It doesn’t affects at all. I just didn’t put them cause I decided that their submissions aren’t good enough or they wouldn’t fit into the video. :) I understand your point. Next time (if I’m gonna be doing MoG #13) I will try to make it as epic as this one but with a better angles. :)
>> I just didn’t put them cause I decided that their submissions aren’t good enough or they wouldn’t fit into the video. <<> I will try to make it as epic as this one but with a better angles. :) <<<
epic? :DDD
I told you in game and can repeat it here too: you could show moments with better angles and give a bit more efforts than just doing it like it's something for a home video. You showed my "moment" in the intro (time: around 38 secs irrc) like a noob shit. You can ask anyone who makes videos for MoG that it was better to show creatively than just from my angle of view.
Damn. I will repeat:
“I just didn’t put them cause I decided that their submissions aren’t good enough or they wouldn’t fit into the video. ”
this is a crappy opinion. you should fit the vid to the moments, not vise versa
“I will try to make it as epic as this one but with a better angles. :)”
epic? :DDD
I told you in game and can repeat it here too: you could show moments with better angles and give a bit more efforts than just doing it like it’s something for a home video. You showed my “moment” in the intro (time: around 38 secs irrc) like a noob shit. You can ask anyone who makes videos for MoG that it was better to show creatively than just from my angle of view.
Damn I will repeat:
n1 star!:D
I’m saying this to everyone. Stop complaining and do the thing this video was made for – enjoy. If you was the one who submitted the demo and I made in the video not like you expected, don’t be mad, shit happens. I tried to make it professionally, without moving camera too much, just doing some nice effects and video. In my opinion you shouldn’t be scared to edit the video like you want. Piece.
Don’t you think that having only 2 nominees is just stupid? it’s MoG or what? If you want to make something for a joy, don’t mark it with “MoG” then.
greenadiss can you chill? no? well it’s not my problem, go to some hospital with your anger issues. anyways 2 nominees are enough to do a voting. I’ve done a good job with editing and most of the people congratulated me. If you don’t like the way I’m doing it – you can try to do it yourself.
“anyways 2 nominees are enough to do a voting.”
“I’ve done a good job with editing and most of the people congratulated me. If you don’t like the way I’m doing it – you can try to do it yourself.”
I don’t understand, you do it for yourself or for people? because it looks like you give no fucks to what people think. The only thing you care about is that by your opinion 2 nominees is enough so fuck people who think different. That by your opinion you did a good job because some people liked it, but what about the others who gave you feedback about effects, music and stuff?
Is that their problem?
Or what?
Or maybe they could give you some feedbacks and don’t hear shit like “can you chill? no? well it’s not my problem, go to some hospital with your anger issues”.
You won’t be a good editor without listening and hearing feedback from people. The world isn’t spinning around you even if your sick childish brain believe so.
Nice job Jumper.
Although I liked the music, it is not the best for this kind of videos.
Moving on and talking about the edit, I’d just like to point out that using a lot of effects is not a good idea.
Next time, if you plan to make another video, keep in mind that you should show some clips from different angles.
But what is more vital is the lack of special effects, do not use them too much!
Overall, I enjoyed the video.
shit movie
>sees the new MoG is out
>made by jumper
Voted acuerta since jawer decided to run past the flag instead of returning it
~ jumper ~
loves – lens flare
hates – constructive criticism
Ho000o0o0o0ly fucking shit Acuerta jesus christ