As many of you already noticed, #sauercom was invite only today. This wasn’t a fail of a sauercom crew member, but rather the work of black daemon magic (aka Chanserv). Following a sudden:
[10:40:27] * ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)
(UTC), all channels were somehow set to invite only +i mode.
If you are an irc channel operator (@), issue the following command:
/mode #yourchannel -i
If you are a visitor, msg a known operator of the channel in question. Maybe someone already noticed, try rejoining the channels you couldn’t join before.
What makes Gamesurge so much better than Quakenet, again? Oh right! The presence of a channel and nick services package that automates these tasks and makes them worry-free! /s
I’d say the fact that sauerbraten folk has established their presence sind long before you’ve found your way onto the download link.
sooo… yeah… if you don’t like it, feel free to chat with the quakenet folk.
there might be a sauerbraten related channel over there as well, i’m sure you can find the infos on this very website, have a look around!
There is: #sauerbraten….I’ve been there longer than on #sauercom; I was just taking advantage of a free opportunity to shit on GS
My biggest issue with Gamesurge is #swattyspornstudio is an “illegal channel.”
same with #scunthorpeproblem :(