This year for christmas there will be no dead bodies and no blood .. only fails. :)
Submit your in-game fails now and be part of the epic fail compilation that will await us around Christmas Eve!
What to submit: all kinds of fails! jump / teamplay / game awareness fails etc.!
>> Submit here <<
Please, please, please include that epic teleport failure by Chaos on instactf cap_night vs OSH! ;D
I’ll try to find the demo. Unfortunately, the DKSC demos aren’t sorted at all.
we vaQ’s call this kind of fail on capt night ‘the ICC fail’, we’ve had a good laugh when this happend the first time :)
Remember Lokio’s reissen flag fail during the tournament a couple months ago? :DDD
unfortunately that wasn’t in a tournament, just some casual games
i’ll happily submit it though, it was a pretty impressive fail