In this edition of our Q&A series, we interviewed some of the more important people for our game. Without people like them, new releases wouldn’t be possible! This week we interviewed some keen mappers, who will be participating in our First Mapping Challenge. We wanted to know what motivated them to take part in the competition; and also which maps they are planning to create and why. Check out their answers below!
<Frosty> I’m really getting sick of efficiency, and forge and turbine, but that’s all anyone wants to play and there are too many stubborn folks out there so this won’t change… But I still love playing sauer so I’d like to get into mapping, perhaps i can make a map one day that is so amazing i could change peoples minds :P. And a competition seems like a good opportunity to start! So far I plan to attempt the map “cold cathode” from quake live, from my impressions i think it could translate well to sauer ctf, and to me it looks pretty, i like a challenge but i’m only a starter so my backup is a reflex map called bdm3, i chose that because i love ffa and it looks easy :-)
<Doko> I decided to participate, mostly because i havent maked any map in a very long time, and i miss the old times when i used to make fun maps with mX. This challenge revives that feeling, its like a stimulus when someone makes a drawing, or a music composition, and when you finish it, its very satisfactory. Also, the date limit “compels” me to finish it and its good; i have to make more effort. I really think i can make a very good map with Pyccna, he is very talented with details or adding special things to his maps. I choosed “Toxicity” from Quakelive, a duel map, its very strattegic, small, wich is a hard combination for a small duel map (whoever made that layout is really good at it [Alexander Mader]) i like the theme, and is very original. I choosed it specially because for the gameplay it has, just for that. Beside that im pretty sure we can make it way more beautiful that it is in quakelive; we are very confident. (and thats the fun part to us, the aesthetics).
<KI113R> I chose to compete because its been getting a little dull working on the same map for 8 hours every weekend. I need something different for a change and I need to get my name back out there. I chose Karith Station 2 from Tremulous. I always had fun playing tremulous when I was in school. Although its been 5 years or so since I’ve really played Tremulous, I knew that when I saw the remake challenge I should try and re create an old favorite of mine. Sauerbraten is based off of Quake and Tremulous is based off of Quake so maybe the transition will work well.
<Suicizer> I’ve chosen to participate in the mapping competition because although I enjoy seeing other people create something marvelous in such challenges within an .ogz-file; I still like to map as well. I’m not quite sure what map I’m taking, but for so far Focal Point is my choice. I love maps which have something unique and perhaps even revolutional in their gameplay and theming. As there aren’t a lot maps with such theme around (even in Quake 3 or Quake Live); I’m kind of attracted to that map. I’m planning to do a remake which is as similar as possible as that’s the meaning of a remake in my opinion.
<swattlellama> I chose to participate mainly because my friend Frosty convinced me that as long as I’m not playing the game too much, to look into the other side of the game: mapping. He told me it’s a lot better than playing with kids and fucktards on CS:GO like I’ve been doing recently.
Well he was absolutely correct, it is a lot more fun to make a map with my partner, Briggzy, than to play CS with a guy who keeps yelling “I WANT TO LICK YOUR FUR, SWATLLAMA.” I chose to make lost_world from Quake Live. I’m sure it’s in other versions of Quake too, but all I know is the shithole that is Quake Live. Why that? Well, I actually wanted to make toxicity. It’s my best map in quake, and my favorite, aerowalk, has had a ton of different efforts put into i. Doko signed up to make toxicity just a couple hours before I was going to, and he’ll obviously make mine look shittier than it is in comparison.So I went to my second-best duel map in quake: lost_world. I think the gameplay would fit Sauer ffa duels fairly well still. It’d definitely be a lot slower paced, a lot of catching your enemy by surprise. It’s not as fitted for Sauer as Aerowalk or Toxicity, but Sauer’s the most versatile fps I know. If the map is good, even if it provides an unorthodox style, we can adapt and play it and love it.
What are your expectations? What kind of maps does sauer need? Drop a comment below!
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