Tuesday evening, time for another episode of our Q&A series! This week, we wanted to know from our participants which public server(s) they prefer playing on and why. <Agalloch> Well, in the past it was ogros regen server, because i loved regen capture mode and it was the first mode i played....
As part of the Map Discovery Project, we decided to grab the attention of one very famous editor and coder in the mapping community, Papriko! If you ever wanted to know anything about Sauerbraten editing, this is the man to ask. Check out this full interview for some insight on the editor himself, the d...
After Impressive Squad lost 3 of their members on such short notice they quickly find new talent with Elite., Sativa, and jay_red. ( source ) After acquiring their newly equipt dynamic trio, Impressive Squad again, closes the doors. Other news .rC|, rising cubers, has acquired the recently returned neon...
Moments of Glory #8 is here! Now in 60 fps smoothness (at least in Chrome)! And don’t forget to submit your cool stuff for MoG #9! Speaking of submissions, Acuerta would like to make a short appeal. Winter is coming again folks and that can only mean one thing: fragging season! Truth be told thoug...
Sooo, it’s Friday, which means there will be a new Moments of Glory episode tonight, but before that, here are the poll results of the last one, Moments of Glory #7: BaBoo got 13 votes Fear got 4 votes Joran got 2 votes Agalloch got 1 vote Please keep in mind that these are the ...
This time we asked a question directed to the upcoming frag evenings: If you had to pick a non-standard sauerbraten mode (or map), what would you pick and why? (think about hold / collect / regen / collect / ctf / multi team / mass insta / or a weird combination) Here are the answers ...
This year for christmas there will be no dead bodies and no blood .. only fails. :) Submit your in-game fails now and be part of the epic fail compilation that will await us around Christmas Eve! What to submit: all kinds of fails! jump / teamplay / game awareness fails etc.! >> Submit here <...
Here’s the excerpt from darkkeepers.tk: Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for the huge and constantly positive feedback on SauerWorld. It has encouraged us to change the rule-set a bit, so the flaws from past events won’t happen again. You can find further information in the...
For our 4th Q&A we asked several participants, spectators and a caster to comment on the recent DKSC: How did you enjoy the recent DKSC event and what would you change if you could? <Frosty> I’m still bitter about Drunken’s “suspicious” play, nevertheless I think the se...
So after finishing what I spent my weekend working on, and posting it in #sauercom, Acuerta commanded me to also share this with you, dear readers of this blog: It’s a short “frag movie”, if you want to call it that, showing off some of the demos I had saved recently. The fact that the...
After some close and very suspenseful finals, it’s the members of OSH who win this month’s DKSC tournament. The teams earning the second and third place are !s and vaQ, respectively. Full results and brackets can be viewed on Challonge. We would also like to point two “special features...
As some of you have already noted: the time zone was wrong in our earlier post. We are sorry for the inconvenience, here the correct times: Today at 5PM CET starts the DKSC instactf – semi-open cup! As DM dropped out of the contest, there is still room for one last minute mix team! If ...
Want more solid content? We at Sauerworld would like to introduce a new series focused solely on mapping, called Map Discovery! In it, we will focus on introducing some new high quality maps for you to play on from all across Sauer, along with some detailed ratings on different aspects of the map and wh...
Before you enjoy this post though, take a look at our Frag Evening project and vote for your preferred day of the week here! Back to our Q&A! This week we asked several players about the story behind their nicknames. swatllama: Noob2 and I were brainstorming ideas for the best animals that would be...