Hello Sauerworld, Captain Cannon here to answer another question. This week I’ve taken questions from two of our readers, Unnamed and Jumper! Let’s see what’s on their mind.
Dear Cpt. Cannon!
Why do you have such thin legs? Skipped the day to work out your leg?
Dear Unnamed,
Why are you hating on my skinny legs bro? If you want to hate on something you should focus your attention on those skinny jeans young people TRY to fit into nowadays. Let me tell you they really aren’t doing them any favors. Who came up with that fad anyway? If I had it my way I’d much rather go back to when JNCO jeans were all the rage! But I digress…
The reason why my legs are so skinny is really quite an anomaly. As you probably know I wasn’t born like most people. My existence is the truest product of science! Conceived in a test tube and born in a vat of gold. I am Captain Cannon, superhuman really. My skinny legs do not hinder the feats of strength and prowess that leads me to be the best model in Sauerbraten! I don’t need to work out! And when I get a little tired all i need to do is drink Steven Segal’s “Lighting Bolt” to stay sharp. SHAZZZAM!
Stay Strong,
Captain Cannon
Dear Cpt. Cannon!
Do you think my bans on PSL should be removed now? I am playing using a clean client :D
Dear Jumper,
From what I’ve heard you’ve been a very naughty boy. So naughty that I’m not sure Santa should bring you anything but a stocking full of coal this year, but I’ll leave that up to him to decide. Yet the question remains, should your ban on PSL be lifted?
Let’s put it this way: you do the crime, you do the time. Honestly I don’t blame the admins of any server for banning you. Cheating is bad! Have you cleaned up your act? Will you ever use a cheat again? These are questions for which no one has the answers. But I for one truly hope that you are telling the truth and use this time to grow and mature as a respected member of the community. I don’t think that the admins at PSL believe that you are at that point yet but I hope with a little more patience and vigilance in doing right thing, this day may yet come to pass.
Captain Cannon
Editor’s Note: Just prior to publication it was discovered that this question from Jumper was faked. Perhaps the real Jumper would ask a similar question, and if so the answer would remain the same. However to be fair I encourage the real Jumper to submit something and maybe the response will change.
You can (anonymously) submit questions for Captain Cannon and he will answer them .. or not.
Just use the submission form below!
Will the Captain answer your questions seriously or humorously? Who knows. :D
The best questions and respective answers will be published on the blog!
Thanks for answering my question :D