As many of you have noticed, the SuperSauer League website has been down for quite some time. We are aware and currently working to resolve this issue and will use Sauerworld as a way to communicate to all of you during this time. SSL is undergoing a lot of changes for this month’s event so please...
As the idea of a “live” voice interview came up, Fatality decided to do one with the very entertaining Fear. In this interview, we talk with him about what it’s like to be a top insta player, his involvement in the clan scene, his plans for SSL, and even his tendency to rage in-game. S...
Although sauer stagnates at the moment, clans are still able to gain new members. Here is a short summary what happened in the clanscene over the last month. The Costa Rican player sparta decided to leave his clan .cS| (Source). On the other hand, .cS| was able to strengthen their team by recruiting Ign...
[DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed in this article are solely the author’s opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Sauerworld.] ON THE PARTICIPATION OF MIX TEAMS Have you ever wanted to play with a group of friends who just so happen to be in a different clan? Do you not have a clan, but still feel...
You all have guessed right, the next SSL event will premiere an anticheat client. pisto dusted off some code that was originally intended for sdos, and microwaved it for ssl. This means that to participate in the September event you will be *required* to: 1) install a SSL-specific authkey 2) install a m...
The following lines were copied from the original newspost The modes which will be played in this month are, Insta, FFA, Effic and Efficctf Player seedings will be randomly determined after sign ups close. To guarantee the highest value of fairness, we are coming up with some new idea this month. In the...
As addressed in this news post, raffael a.k.a. Art decided to continue the legacy and all of their services (such as the PSL servers and stats) after ogros leader zero had internally announced that he had plans of shutting down everything. In hopes of getting never before revealed news on what...
Thanks to Honzik1, obstriegel, and pisto, we have a new place to practice our flagruns. They currently are hosting three servers which will record your flagrun times with demos, accounts, and a ranking system, and more. Read the summary below or be sure to check out their website. Features On the server...
The community has constant debates on whether or not maps that are played so often (forge, reissen, redemption, turbine, complex, etc) makes sauerbraten more or less boring. So the question that I asked is: “Do you think these maps are holding us back from exploring other maps that are really fun?...
[Editor’s note: Rumour has it that the following interview was assembled solely from Partizan’s chat lines during an RB clanwar.] Partizan, 16 years old player from Serbia, playing Sauerbraten since 2009. His favorite mode is effic and sex. If you have to face green wall of letters while pla...