SauerLeague – Mar. 2016 Reminder #2

The next day of SauerLeague is tomorrow. If you are interested in participating you should visit their website and visit their IRC channel (#sauerleague on if you have any questions. When: 5:15 PM CET (insta), 7:45 PM CET (iCTF) | NOTE: For some there is a time change. Be careful! Web...
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SauerLeague – Mar. 2016 Reminder #1

The next day of SauerLeague is tomorrow. If you are interested in participating you should visit their website and visit their IRC channel (#sauerleague on if you have any questions. When: 5:45 PM CET (ffa), 8:15 PM CET (CTF) Website: Link Info: Link Anti-cheat: Link IRC: (#sauerleagu...
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Q&A #26 – “Which features would you as a gamer like to see incorporated into the next Sauerbraten Release?”

As the Sauerbraten SVN repo is quite active these days, one might suspect that the next release is near. Sauerworld took the chance to ask the community about what they would like to see implemented into the next release. For me personally such features would include a comed style fragmessage, fully cus...
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Clan Activity – 2016

We’ve been sloppy with the clan activity updates in the past months, so this one is long overdue, since A LOT has happened in the clan scene during our last post. We first of all wish the RED BUTCHERS a belated happy 8th birthday! Now lets go into recent player tradings, we’ll keep it short...
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New Sauerbraten testing version

I am releasing a new Sauerbraten test build, and you need to care if you plan to play in the next SauerLeague event. eihrul finally ported the SVN (the next-gen Sauerbraten) to SDL2, and so he relieved me of the burden of maintaining my SDL2 port. In SVN there’s also a bunch of new OpenGL code, me...
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An oldie, but goldie!

Soo, once upon a time i saw an OUTRAGEOUS trickjump in Sauerbraten. Back then it wasn’t done in coop-edit, but in normal mode, where they actually waited on quad, climbed to the top and did what I find is one of the coolest trickjumps ever done. But watch for yourself, as !s]starch and me (vaQ...
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