Hudgun Pack Re-Upload

Since people have asked for it time and time again, here it is from the depths of the internet!

Download: ClassicCTFSolaris

Preview: Classic – CTF – Solaris


  • place the contents of the .zip file(s) in your user content directory (or the Sauerbraten installation folder)
  • in-game, type /hudgunsdir hudguns_classic (or /hudgunsdir hudguns_ctf or /hudgunsdir hudguns_solaris) to enable the new hudguns


You can copy and paste the following code into your autoexec.cfg to get a GUI to chose between different hudgun packs (type /showcustomhudguns to open the picker):

customhudguns = ""
newgui customhudguns [
	guistayopen [
		looplist fname $customhudguns [
			guibutton $fname (concat hudgunsdir $fname)
		guistrut 1
		guibutton "default" [hudgunsdir ""]
] "custom hudguns"
showcustomhudguns = [
    customhudguns = ""
    loopfiles fname "packages/models" "" [
        if (=s "hudguns_" (substr $fname 0 8)) [
            customhudguns = (concat $customhudguns (escape $fname))
    customhudguns = (sortlist $customhudguns x y [naturalsort $x $y])
    showgui customhudguns


To go back to the default hudguns, simply type /hudgunsdir "" into the chat console.



  1. Zoocata

    The CTF hudguns fit sauer so much better than the Trooper ones imo. Unsure what this Vietnam War stuff we have today is for :D


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