Since people have asked for it time and time again, here it is from the depths of the internet!
Download: Classic – CTF – Solaris
Preview: Classic – CTF – Solaris
- place the contents of the .zip file(s) in your user content directory (or the Sauerbraten installation folder)
- in-game, type
/hudgunsdir hudguns_classic
(or/hudgunsdir hudguns_ctf
or/hudgunsdir hudguns_solaris
) to enable the new hudguns
You can copy and paste the following code into your autoexec.cfg to get a GUI to chose between different hudgun packs (type /showcustomhudguns
to open the picker):
customhudguns = ""
newgui customhudguns [
guistayopen [
looplist fname $customhudguns [
guibutton $fname (concat hudgunsdir $fname)
guistrut 1
guibutton "default" [hudgunsdir ""]
] "custom hudguns"
showcustomhudguns = [
customhudguns = ""
loopfiles fname "packages/models" "" [
if (=s "hudguns_" (substr $fname 0 8)) [
customhudguns = (concat $customhudguns (escape $fname))
customhudguns = (sortlist $customhudguns x y [naturalsort $x $y])
showgui customhudguns
To go back to the default hudguns, simply type /hudgunsdir ""
into the chat console.
very nice ?
The CTF hudguns fit sauer so much better than the Trooper ones imo. Unsure what this Vietnam War stuff we have today is for :D