1. miu

    About the vid: It’s a good frag movie but I know you can do better. It was probably from old times. You made accents on moments which were good but not great. Nice start though!

    About the creepy weapon skins: I don’t know why you people use these creepy weapon skins which are too bright and too distracting. I’ve never tried them but saw them a lot on saauer screenshots. BUT only in this video I finally saw them live. It was even worse than I thought. My eyes still feel pain…

    Please, give me some arguments of why you people do like them. I know Fear uses them, so maybe he could explain. The only thing I know, these bright weapon skins make really high contrast in pare with the game environment and feel really fucked up.

    1. miu

      In addition: if you want to make something transparent to see things behind the weapons, just make the old weapons look half transparent. There is no need in this rainbow shit which distracts your gameplay. blahblahblahetcetc

    2. Boomerang!

      I think his weapon skins are entirely justified since he’s called neon ^^ You should see my boomerang riffle skin… :p

  2. Acuerta

    Great video, especially the frags stood out! :)

    Some minor points of criticism:

    – I would use “force matching playermodels” and “always use team skins”; all the different playermodels made some scenes a bit confusing.

    – hide the “spectator” sign and the script messages (including top left console & bottom right weapon accuracies)

  3. Fatality

    Nice video! IMO most of the frags were boring, but that’s just me. I also like that they weren’t all clips from just insta/effic CTF games, however, on the contrary, there were way too many duel scenes (duels are boring). About the editing, the video could have used a lot more, as well as some more 3rd person views and more creativity, BUT I understand you fragging speaks for itself. Also, try to raise the brightness/gamma next time, it was a little dark, especially on the “wake5” scene. Gj overall man, always refreshing to see new videos.

    1. swatllama

      I’ll disagree with you – duel frags are nice. I just didn’t like that a lot of them were double rifles and such.
      To me, it looked like he did change the contrast a little, but not in the right direction.

  4. Jawer

    Great editing work. Do you really play without forced player models? I thought you maybe changed that just for the video but then you would have changed to default settings probably. Also that you have high explosions, blood, ragdolls after death and some other details that I thought you didn’t use.
    The frags were mostly cool but I also think you could have found much better ones if you watched through more demos but that’s of course a lot of work. When you repeat cool scenes, maybe you should directly skip to the part where the shot/combo happens so it doesn’t seem like too much..
    Just minor details, I like your work and hope for more :D

  5. neon

    Thanks, everyone for the feedback, especially for all the tips and criticism. I will try to apply as much as possible in future upcoming projects.

    @miu I personally like the hudguns a lot (these days I am not using them anymore anyway, I am just using the shiny golden rifle, the rest is standard), I have no clue how to make the standard hudguns look half transparent, so If u want to help me out with that, feel free too ;)

    @Frosty I am using fraps for capturing the scenes, and Sony Vegas pro 13 for editing, if that’s what u mean by specs (correct me if I am wrong)

    @jawer those aren’t my standard settings you’re right, I’ve changed a lot of my settings to make it look more better (things like “hide dead players” aren’t really good looking in a Fragmovie), and yes I could’ve took much more and better scenes ofc, sadly I often forget to take demos after great games – which is a shame somehow, but yea I’ll just try to capture every demo from now on. Also I just wanted to finally drop this movie, don’t worry next movie will be with better scenes and the tips applied

    1. neon

      Acer Predator G3620
      3,40 GHz Intel Core i7-3770
      NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

      Can’t get more informations atm, cause i am Not at home

  6. suicizer

    Nice vid.
    Unlike others, I would advise to use default Sauerbraten (so without skin modifications and such) as that’s distracting the content of the video itself and isn’t triggering a point of recognition (which can be pleasantly for the viewer).

    1. star

      I would advise, to use your braincells when writing comments (so with thinking and such), so that shit you don’t know shit about, might become more clear to you. Playing the game might help, versus real people, on real servers, not just bots or in single player.
      If you are still confused by the incredible distracting effects, you might wanna have a look at another game’s popular fragmovies:

      1. suicizer

        I would advise you the very same as Quake Live has it’s very own movie editor to add special effects and such.

        Next to that, it seems like a personal preference.
        An example of a fragmovie which rather focuses on the frag;


      2. star

        BUT BUT BUT

        all i see are also custom coloured skins, weapon effects and transitions! omg omg omg!

        Art is a bitch! ( not our art, he’s just a slut )

      3. Acuerta

        What you obviously fail to realize is that default Sauerbraten (unlike QuakeLive) DOES NOT FOCUS ON FRAGS.

        Default skins look crappy and are almost impossible to identify in frag movies. You can hardly call it “focussing on frags” if you don’t even see enemies.

        This is how “focussing on frags” can look like.

      4. star

        10 bucks he’ll be confused about the movie scenes and start bitching about it :D

        Art is a bitch!

      5. suicizer

        Sauerbraten having skins which are almost impossible to identify is nonsense; it can even be brightened by /fullbrightmodels 200.
        That they look crappy is a personal thing.

        My point is that adding custom content within a video focussed on frags takes that focus away as the custom content isn’t within reach of the default version (so the video gets more or less some advertisement for the custom content).

        Like it or not; I wouldn’t care less if you disagree as it’s just an opinion (neither if you use the information or not).

    2. neon

      Thats personal preference i guess, i personally like comed, the fact that u can color your shots like u want and the fragmsgs displayed (also with which weapon u killed/got killed), it’s just simply better looking in a fragmovie.


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