Hello friends, recently we had an amazing sauer event, which was our beloved insta duel tournament. I am glad that I had the chance to play as I had been on holidays for 10 days and I don’t like to miss sauer events. The event itself was a huge success and even though some players such as Zarah, Achille, Razvan, Honzik and Gangler weren’t there, we had a new record of participants. Which makes me more happy when I think of the potential of those events. Furthermore, when I saw the number of connected players on the server before the tournament started, I had a feeling of nostalgia. At this point I have to mention that we had some new insta participants like Cedii*, Calinou, headway, obi_de, Kotzikacki, TheLove, Neon and echo-echo and I would like to welcome them in our competitive family. Before I jump into the main recap I would like to say that I might not be able to cover every detail as the number of players was high.
Round 1
On the first round there were some good matches which stood out to me. First of all it was the DM civil war between cedii* and eleisa where the first won the game. I am happy to see friend-cedii finally participate in the tournament as I was always wondering why he hadn’t tried it before. Of course I am happy to see eleisa playing insta too. The next game was between TheLove and Neon on ot. I believe ot has been created for TheLove play style. I think it’s his favourite map for that reason. But even tough he is good at it, he didn’t have an easy win. At the same time on another server Tengrichan was beating fatmonkeygenius in a very close game on complex. This was a surprise to me but at the same time it wasn’t because I know Tengrichan is a monster in insta but I would still have bet my money on fatmonkeygenius. Thankfully for Tengrichan he was the winner. Furthermore, echo-echo had his first insta game against tamino. A very difficult opponent. Tamino has improved a lot but echo-echo managed to win against him on ot. Another close game was on ot again between master and mod where master managed to get the victory by 3 points. At his point I want to mention starch’s amazing start in the tournament where he had 190 frags in his first game. For me it was clear that he aimed high. Finally, the most high level and exciting game, at least for me, was the game between alluro and headway (aka the quake guy). For the longer part, the game was close but alluro in the last minutes managed to build a victory difference.
Moving into loser bracket the first game was between headway and calinou where the first won the game on complex but at least I had a chance to see calinou’s skills and I am happy about what I saw. Tamino was unlucky because he had to face fatmonkeygenius, both had a high score but fmg was the winner. Finally I had a very exciting and stressful game against plata where we both were close on score for the majority of the game but plata like alluro managed to build a victory difference in the last minutes.
Round 2
On round two we had in my opinion the best game in the whole tournament between echo-echo and Tengrichan. Both players tried their best on complex and it was Tengrichan who got the victory by 1 point. A very satisfied victory for Tengrichan but I would imagine, a very frustrating loss for echo-echo. Notas played against fear where he had the control for the most part of the game and managed to beat his opponent. Finally shinnok with his defensive style played against friendovic, but his skills and play style wasn’t enough to give him the victory. Moving to the loser bracket, shinnok wasn’t affected by his defeat and won against eleisa on turbine. The rest of the games remained without further surprises and the results were mostly as expected.
Round 3
This round was were the big names started to face each other. First raffael played against hades and at least for me, raffael had an easy victory against his opponent. Next game, notas played against frosty. At the start of the game frosty seemed to have an easy game, but notas didn’t say his last word. He changed his style and managed to reduce the difference but it wasn’t enough to win the game. Starch played against Tengrichan who had his first real test on duel7. Even though he scored a lot against Starch, his opponent was better and won the game. Finally Rexus played against krakovic on complex. It was a high skill game and it showed to me that krakovic was on fire that day but rexus was the winner of the game. On loser bracket round three, shinnok beat headway who I assumed wasn’t familiar with his opponent’s style and I believe that was the factor which made the difference. At the same time echo-echo continued his good games against TheLove and had an easy victory on ot. A result which was a surprise to be. Finally fmg beat fear on duel7 and alluro beat plata.
Round 4
On round 4 frosty had to face raffael on ot. Apparently raffael was on fire and he had another easy victory against his opponent. Starch and Rexus played against each other on complex. It was the sp4nk civil war type of game. Both players tried the best but it was starch who had the upper hand in the game and managed to move onto the next round. On loser bracket we had to most strategic game between notas and shinnok. notas managed to build a victory and that made shinnok change from his defensive style into a more open one. This strategy helped notas who won the game. hades and echo-echo had a very good game on turbine. They both scored a lot, as this map encourages players to play more openly and the winner of this game was hades. Next we had a very interesting game in my opinion between krakovic and fatmonkeygenius. Both are very good insta players and I really wanted to see a game between them. For some reason fmg wasn’t able to perform at the level I expected. On the other side krakovic was on a good day and he managed to beat him. Finally alluro lost to tengrichan where both had an amazing game on ot. For the whole game the score was really close. Alluro had the upper hand but Tengrichan made a comeback and moved onto the next round.
Semifinal / rest loser bracket games
On the semifinal (aka early final) starch had to play against raffael on ot. A lot of people wanted to see what’s the difference between those two players. Raffael sent a clear message that he is going to be the winner of the tournament. On the rest of the loser bracket games, starch was the big winner. He managed to beat all his opponents and reach the finals. In his last game before the final, he had to face frosty, who tried really hard on complex but his opponent was a bit better.
The first game between starch and raffael was on ot. Starch had a very good start, he had more games than raffael and that helped him in the beginning of the game. After 4 mins game, it was raffael’s turn to make a comeback. With 8 frags in a row he reduced the difference down to 1 frag. Both players were really close for 2 mins. Eventually raffael with a strategic play inside the building area of ot, managed to pile up a difference which he kept until the end of the game. In the second game starch picked douze, which was surprising to me. For his teammate notas it wasn’t and that made me want to see how he is going to perform on this map. Both players started very strongly. Only raffael for the first 5 minutes had a small advance. In the next half of the game raffael built a 5 frags difference that was enough to give him the victory because of the stress that it put on starch’s shoulders. The raffael campy play style made starch lose his patience and that made him play more aggressively. Eventually this is what raffael needed to win the game.
Finally I would like to point out a few friends who had, at least in my opinion, a good performance. First of all tengrichan, he managed to beat a lot of his opponents and in general he had an amazing gameplay. Secondly, it’s the friend of friends: Krakovic. He was on fire and he almost reached the semifinals of the loser bracket. Finally I would like to point out echo-echo. He is a really good player. He had high scores on most games and even though it shouldn’t be a surprise, I would like to point out his amazing performance.
That’s it friends. I hope you enjoyed my review. I would to ask you about your view on this tournament. Did you like it? Did you enjoy watching it? Please leave a comment below. See you at the next event!
notas’ twitch VOD
results & screens
shoutout to fmg for playing and making no excuses even though he’d been awake for 24hrs
ggs everybody
Thanks for the review brecht!
Great summary. Shame about the people who couldn’t play as it was fun. Also feels good reading my nick so many times :D
nice review, we also appreciate your effort to make all nicks bold
It was aquerta who did the final modifications. i would like to thank him. Also swat helped me too.
Dragovic got robbed
Yeah there were definately lots of others who couldnt make it but well done to the sauerduels team as the event ran smooth from what I watched.
broke: krakovic had a good day and made a great run in the tournament due to being on fire
woke: krakovic is a highly skilled and underrated insta player who simply performed up to his potential
My man
Nice review! For me it has been a great experience and a fun tournament. I’ll definitely play more insta 1v1 tourneys in the future :)
Good games, well organized event, well written post! cheers
PS: Achille didn’t show up because he know i’ll beat him
Very enjoyable tourney and recap, ggs wp everyone! Shame skillz didn’t play
I would really like to see how skills would perform in a tournament