Tesseract, a Sauerbraten fork/mod made by eihrul and nieb, has recently seen its first official release.
The Game
Tesseract is a first-person shooter game focused on instagib deathmatch and capture-the-flag gameplay as well as cooperative in-game map editing.
The Tech
Tesseract provides a unique open-source engine derived from Cube 2: Sauerbraten technology but with upgraded modern rendering techniques. The new rendering features include fully dynamic omnidirectional shadows, global illumination, HDR lighting, deferred shading, morphological/temporal/multisample anti-aliasing, and much more.
Try it out and let us know if you liked it in the comments section!
Website: http://tesseract.gg/
IRC: #tesseract @ freenode.net
I'd like to comment with a 'what she said': <br /><br /> pfff old far cry looks better and can fly like an angel on my PC<br /><br />WHAT SHE SAID.
ok that didn't work as expected… <br /><br />here you go: <br /><br />greenadiss: pfff old far cry looks better and can fly like an angel on my PC<br /><br /><br />WHAT SHE SAID.<br />
I hate it. Well, it was nice to try something new related to cube gaming. I just found that while eihrul made a great job making the whole interface and user friendliness better, he seems to have completely neglected genuinely interesting gameplay and that's not going to keep people around in the long term. It's just centered around insta, which is tedious. I wouldn't even have so
> Bring back point + click = kill plz instead of that stupid delay bolt fire crap<br /><br />Tesseract's rail gun is exactly that, it's basically Sauerbraten's rifle…
Yeah, since I posted that opinion on IRC (it was the first game I'd played, I was unaware of the existence of other modes since it isn't listed everywhere and every server was playing the same map/mode), I soon discovered that there is a mode called rDM. It's better, it's essentially a shit ripoff of the insta mode we have here, except slower and with horrible playermodel physics
no effic no game. Who's gonna 'buy' this shit, ql, cs, cod players? noone.
I hope in tesseract there will be the same amount of game play improvement, as it has been with graphics :D
I think both sauer and tesseract are just engine demos. We are not supposed to be here
Probably the crappiest gameplay I've seen so far. Yes, even worse than league of peasants. As if Sauer insta wasn't dumb enough already, the makers of Tesseract managed to take the last bit of skill (aiming) out of the equation. The main weapon of this game seems to be an extremely bad copy of quake's plasmagun, only that the plasma travels at the speed of a crippled turtle with no
> The main weapon<br /><br />There is no main weapon in Tesseract. There is the railgun and the pulse rifle, and an insta mode for each.<br /><br />> an extremely bad copy of quake's plasmagun<br /><br />It's a gun, it fires explosive projectiles, it has a reload time. It's basically a rocket launcher. Not many variables you can change at a gun. Is it the fact that it fires
have you ever played anything else than just insta in sauer?<br /><br />your statements suggest you haven't.
Well, if there are only 2 weapons, they're both "main" weapons then :P<br /><br />It's not a rocket launcher.<br />blue plasma balls that travel at (relatively) high speed with little to no splash damage, that's a plasma gun.<br /><br />If you had ever played quake you would know why this is nothing but a cheap ripoff of a plasma gun :)
or even watched quake, tbh. I don't see the point in paying for a pro account or trying to get good at a game that it takes 10 years to even become average at, but if you just watch a few youtube videos you will probably see the similarities, like I did. only differences is that the plasma gun in quake has spread and can be used to do trickjumps and so on.<br /><br />http://youtu.be/
Since it has very fast reload and a little bit of splash damage, you can really do a lot with it.<br /><br />Block entrances, go into close combat fights, do trickjumps, spam spawns.<br /><br />None of that works with this weird pulse rifle in tesseract. You can randomly shoot it somewhere and hope someone happens to run into it. (we all know eihrul loves randomness)
I've actually seen the plasma gun from Quake in videos. I also critizised the fact that there is no fast-reloading weapon in Tesseract further down myself.<br /><br />@Anon: what?
I think the game is more suited for mappers/editors. The gameplay did take a step down from sauer imo but the new rendering makes mapping a hell of a lot nicer. Maybe if Sauer's gameplay was fully implemented into Tesseract it'd be that much better. Also, yea the graphics are pretty nice too
Feedback was moved to the comment section.
Regarding Tesseract:<br /><br />I think it has a lot of potential, actually. <br />First of all, it needs more maps. Releasing a game focusing on CTF that has only 1 ctf map is quite bold.<br />Another point I don't like: only one-weapon modes. There is no mode where I can use both weapons (aside from editing). What I would like to see is a) grenades added to both insta modes, b) grenades as
++ Fatality<br />I tried out tesseract. I do not like the gameplay. The problem I have is that it feels quite a bit like Open Arena while looking very modern (though that's probably the poor texture choice there.) It feels a lot slower paced than Sauerbraten and the modern look to everything makes my woolly tummy feel oozzy. <br />I do like the ball instead of the flag though, that's cool
…"Still better than AssaultCube"…<br /><br />I know AssaultCube is pretty much dead as a game, but srsly? It at least functions decently for competitive games and the weapon balance is way less (albeit still slightly) fucked. eihrul should just get rid of the plasma gun mode, then it would be an okay game.
I don't like assaultcube. The muzzle rise is annoying, it's too slow, maps are so tight…
Yeah many people from Sauer find the concept of recoil baffling when they try AssaultCube since it's just not something that's existent here. I would still say that the weapon values on auto weapons in AC are better than the MG values in Sauer – recoil is a bitch but you can successfully control it, whereas random and high weapon spread isn't controllable.<br /><br /><br />But still,
tesserect is gay :)
http://i.imgur.com/h3ab37C.gif<br /><br />eihrul & pix
Oh cool you get money for not hating Tesseract? I should go ask eihrul for my cheque I guess…<br /><br /><br />To make my intention with the heavy commenting in this thread clear: It's not like I'll switch to Tesseract. I will keep playing Sauerbraten, since I like the fast-paced gameplay more, as a lot of other players do. It's why I play Sauerbraten for ~5 years now. I may even
yes we got it, mr. political correctness. now fak off
quote pix: What I would like to see is a) grenades added to both insta modes,… <br /><br />quote General K. Noledge: insta, short for: Instagib, which stands for Instant Giblets, referring to one-hit kills in FPS games where the victim is instantly turned into 'giblets', or explodes. <br /><br />quote star: <a href="http://vaq-clan.de/~star/idiots.jpg" rel="nofollow"><b>gnihihihihi</b><
New Warsow out, Xonitic, new UT coming with promise of community feedback oriented development, Reflex also in development with a similar ideology… Why would I ever play this? This is the time of everyone trying to make 'the next big arena shooter,' and Eirhul releases a bloated, slightly improved new engine with gameplay everyone in his community clearly hated from the start. Maybe it
is it possible for him to put all of sauer's gameplay into the tesseract engine?<br />Also, tesseract (according to eihrul) wasn't meant to replace sauer. I'm not even sure he meant it as a full-on game.
he won't and it would be bad for performance. "I'm not even sure he meant it as a full-on game" yea no kidding
community feedback oriented development<br /><br />quote eihrul: U WOT M8?
Tess in a nutshell<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqOtc2vSvWM
You got the wrong link. It's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbGNoahfppU
Gameplay is weird and slow. Guns are stupid. Movement is awful. Maps are too bright. No effic.<br /><br /><br />Enough said
Well i highly recommend to do sth useful instead of this stupid hating…i suggest to praise sweeper aka vzzec who managed to reduce the amount of raging by 23% ( congratz) I like Tesseract btw, slow movement isnt a problem, just needs more use of cover. Another great point is that all sauer retards seem to hate it= i wont meet them there. Only drawback atm is the limited amount of maps but im
if Sweeper likes something you know it's bad
I like Tesseract. The scoreboard has some cool features: frags, deaths etc. The UI looks cool but I think I like Sauerbraten's better. I like the models, but the skin colour changer is just a useless feature. I also find it confusing being in team red. Just being blue all the time would be better. Looking forward to more maps. I like Sauerbraten better, but Tesseract is great and it's
"Tesseract is not a game meant to please everyone, but it focuses on populist gameplay"<br /><br />Were the action-takers asked any feedback? Acuerta, Art, notas, mefisto, pix, etc?<br /><br />Populism sux
I don't understand what you mean by "action-takers" and who should have asked us for feedback?
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