Ok, I finally took some time to do shit. So here my respons:
There are many good, but equally many are not within the scope of the comed project i am afraid.
To make one thing clear beforehand: We can't and we don't want to replace or fork sauerbraten. We are just trying to enhance the gaming experience, while still using the collect protocol number. That means we are just doing stuff, that doesn't require a new network protocol or a server modification. All the tweaks are more or less hacky.( For example the damage dealt is calculated using the N_DAMAGE and N_HITPUSH messages. )
We want to encourage the player to customize his client to his likings, without forcing him to use any specific thing. Note: this takes a lot of work, testing and user feedback!
That said, things I simply can't put on our wish list are the following:
- performance graph
- radar-speed connection
- deathreplay from enemy view
Those require too much work and would be better suited in projects like inexor or in future sauerbraten releases.
Furthermore, there are features already solved with cube-script, which we also don't like to address. We primarily want to focus on stuff that can't be done with cube-script alone. However we also extend the cube-script possibilities, like enabling variables like the events /onspawn = [command]
or /ondeath = [command]. The zoom problems you describe are one of those cube-script solvable things. Have a look at my script here:
Which solves the issue of not spawning zoomed, while having a 'push-to-zoom' button.
I agree that we have to encourage more to post their scripts on the forum. I've seen many genius zoom-scripts and others in the past, it's a shame that they rot in some dark corner. Maybe you can help?
Things I think are possible and will be included are:
- extending the colour adjustments of the team chat colours
- click sounds in the menu
- team-management gui (might also be done with cubescript )
The issue with the radar icon has already been solved and just I realized that it is missing in the documentation.
use: /flatgui [0|1]
To answer question 11) yes comed is dependend on the official release. However, as you all know, the sauerbraten settings could be improved very much. From a competitive standpoint they just suck. We'd someday like to create a first test client, called 'sauerbraten-pro-mode' where we use different gamesettings together with another protocol version, so that those won't conflict with eachother.
These things were already discussed by players, such as notas, echo-echo, acuerta, chaos, swattlama and many others... We all wish a better ffa mode and more competitive gameplay.
How ever, this is still far away and we lack manpower to get this thing rolling. There are more urgent projects at hand, such as this client, sdos and the sauercom blog.