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Mapping / Re: KI113R’s Deathmatch Mapping Competition - Discussion and Review Board
« Last post by shuzo on March 07, 2021, 11:38:07 AM »
Already seeing some good stuff. Excited to see the results!
It's only been a few days since the competition started but I think it's a good time to check up on our competitors.

Word is that Fixxer is nearly done already. Having said "Dude at this pace I will be done way too early, but I can't stop once I started"

Though I haven't seen it yet. Let's see if he uses the extra time he has to make something that will really impress the judges.

Mmeaninglessnamee has an interesting concept in the works. "The layout is still a WIP, because it's a bit large and is more of a three-room deal compared to the typical central arena of most Sauer maps"

Gmiz has a name already for his map. "Imprisoned" and has worked up an image for it in his spare time.

With design skills like that I am sure we'll see something good from Gmiz in the coming weeks.

Moving onto Getridou. He has shared some screenshots showing a ton of progress already this early.

And of course as always an impressive artistic concept with a neon glowing pyramid as a backdrop.

Speaking of backdrops, Windecker has what appears to be the biggest piece of scenery I think I have ever seen for a map. What will the playable area be like?

WohSiesta has a new map model for us

I know plenty of places already where I could use something like that.

Also, Shuzo just got started today with his layout.

After running around a bit I think it's still too early to say how it will turn out but I am sure it will be great in the end.

Not much else to update from the other competitors. Not this early at least. Hopefully, this weekend and the following will have more content to talk about and be excited about.

It's always great to see a coop edit server full of a few people running around and hanging out.

Mapping / KI113R’s Deathmatch Mapping Competition - Discussion and Review Board
« Last post by KI113R on February 27, 2021, 03:01:33 PM »
This will be the official discussion and review board for the Deathmatch Mapping Competition announced here:

More details will continue to be added as needed.

Judges: KI113R, Misan, Redon, Swatllama and RaZgRiZ


Soyuz (Solo) -

Gmiz (Solo) -

Mmeaninglesnamee (Solo) -

Pepsi/Doko (Duo) -

Getridou (Solo) -

Windecker (Solo) -
KI113R - 8 out of 10
RaZgRiZ - 8.5 out of 10
Swatllama - 6 out of 10
Misan - 7 out of 10

Fixxxer (Solo) -
KI113R - 6.5 out of 10
RaZgRiZ - 5 out of 10
Swatllama - 7 out of 10
Misan - 7 out of 10

wohSiesta (Solo) -

LR7 (Solo) -
KI113R - 3 out of 10
RaZgRiZ - 2 out of 10
Misan - 3 out of 10

Akari/Avior (Duo) -

Shuzo/Nieb (Duo) -

TristamK (Solo) -

LURKing (Solo) -
KI113R - 7 out of 10
RaZgRiZ - 7.5 out of 10
Misan - 8 out of 10
Swatllama - 8 out of 10

Rabe (Solo) -

Competition starts on the 1st of March but sign up does not end until the 3rd. Deadline for map completion is April 18th.

The prizes will be as follows:

$25 for 1st plus one AAA game -

One AAA game for 2nd -

One AAA game 3rd -
Off-Topic / MoG #15
« Last post by ImDumb on February 15, 2021, 04:01:55 PM »
I could perhaps record gameplay and then Fat4ility edit the video. I have loads of time so i could definitely record the thing
Moments of Glory / Re: Submissions: Moments of Glory #14
« Last post by Master on February 03, 2021, 01:55:02 PM »
Moments of Glory 14 has already been released mate ^^
not sure when number 15 will be organized or by whom
Tech Talk / PowerPC port of latest Cube2
« Last post by kas1e on January 29, 2021, 11:40:51 AM »
I tried to port the latest Cube2 to some obscure os called AmigaOS4, which is based on Big-Endian PowerPC 32bit CPU from old times.

Now, while code fully builds and links, and I can run the game and have a menu, once I choose any map and it starts loads, it just stuck on the loading of any map at the moment when loading "Packages/models/mrfixit/hudguns/fist". And nothing else happens. No freeze, no lockup just nothing happens. In the log file is found, all files in place, but just nothing happens.

I assume that it can be some big-endian reading-data issues that just left unnoticed as not so many tests it on big-endian for some time.

Can anybody point me out how to debug it and where to look next?

Moments of Glory / Re: Submissions: Moments of Glory #14
« Last post by ImDumb on January 24, 2021, 08:45:33 PM »
Player GOD$ImDumb time 2:54 map reissen (flag save)
Moments of Glory / Re: Submissions: Moments of Glory #14
« Last post by ImDumb on January 18, 2021, 06:40:52 PM »
Player: ImDumb, time: 6:40 (best flag save ever) map: dust2
Maps / Re: C_lone capture
« Last post by Getridou on November 28, 2020, 11:05:27 PM »
Maps / C_lone capture
« Last post by Getridou on November 28, 2020, 08:35:19 PM »
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