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Tech Talk / PowerPC port of latest Cube2
« Last post by kas1e on January 29, 2021, 11:40:51 AM »
I tried to port the latest Cube2 to some obscure os called AmigaOS4, which is based on Big-Endian PowerPC 32bit CPU from old times.

Now, while code fully builds and links, and I can run the game and have a menu, once I choose any map and it starts loads, it just stuck on the loading of any map at the moment when loading "Packages/models/mrfixit/hudguns/fist". And nothing else happens. No freeze, no lockup just nothing happens. In the log file is found, all files in place, but just nothing happens.

I assume that it can be some big-endian reading-data issues that just left unnoticed as not so many tests it on big-endian for some time.

Can anybody point me out how to debug it and where to look next?

Moments of Glory / Re: Submissions: Moments of Glory #14
« Last post by ImDumb on January 24, 2021, 08:45:33 PM »
Player GOD$ImDumb time 2:54 map reissen (flag save)
Moments of Glory / Re: Submissions: Moments of Glory #14
« Last post by ImDumb on January 18, 2021, 06:40:52 PM »
Player: ImDumb, time: 6:40 (best flag save ever) map: dust2
Maps / Re: C_lone capture
« Last post by Getridou on November 28, 2020, 11:05:27 PM »
Maps / C_lone capture
« Last post by Getridou on November 28, 2020, 08:35:19 PM »
Maps / Re: rust - new competitive ctf map
« Last post by TЯISTAП on November 23, 2020, 08:38:39 PM »
Mods / Ammo pack
« Last post by wohsiesta on November 19, 2020, 02:30:58 AM »
A newly created ammo pack, only works in the latest build of cube 2
You can change the color by modifying the <mad> values

Maps / Re: horus by fixxxer with help from swatllama
« Last post by anev942 on November 16, 2020, 04:21:47 AM »
awesome but missing some textures, no message that couldn't load item(s).
Any idea what its looking for?
Actually had same issue with Dispute missing texture
Maps / rust - new competitive ctf map
« Last post by shuzo on November 15, 2020, 03:40:52 PM »
Hi guys,

I'm happy to present you a new ctf map called rust. I had actually made the layout 2 years ago but decided to pick it up again approximatively 2 months ago, thanks to Gangler (who else!) pressuring me to finish it before the new release.

It is fit for 3v3 - 4v4 competitive games mainly in ictf/ectf. The map will seem pretty fast paced but its openness creates many possible flagruns/catchups: some using rocket/grenade jumps, others just running and jumping. I've tried to incorporate many elements which facilitate the flow and make you feel like a ninja.

The theme is industrial/desert, pretty similar to turmoil.

Thanks to Gangler, Nieb, RaZgRiZ, Redon for the help, Frosty for jumping around for hours making me feel less lonely, and all the players who played the map and gave me feedback.

I hope you will enjoy it :)

Updated link as of 20/11/2020:
Maps / Re: horus by fixxxer with help from swatllama
« Last post by swatllama on November 09, 2020, 04:22:22 AM »
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