Sauerworld Forum

[SOLVED] ZQSD navigation in Editmode with a azerty keyboard.


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[SOLVED] ZQSD navigation in Editmode with a azerty keyboard.
« on: February 21, 2020, 03:23:23 PM »
Here the way to fix the ZQSD navigation in Editmode with a azerty keyboard:

1) Go in the folder: "Documents/My Games/Sauerbraten/"

2) Edit the file "config.cfg" with a text editor.

3) Modify these lines:

editbind "Q" [domodifier 3] to editbind "A" [domodifier 3]

editbind "Z" [undo; passthroughsel 0] to editbind "W" [undo; passthroughsel 0]

This is the only way i found to fix this bad behavior for azerty keyboard.