For my mouse problem i have found a way that fix partially the problem, now i can use my new sauerbraten executable file with eihrul patch, but this time i don't use sauerbraten.bat from the recent patch, i use the one from the previous version 02-03, with this way i can keep my sauerbraten executable file functional also i need to turn on the vsync button to have less problem with the mouse, if i turn off vsync the mouse go up or down when playing or editing everytime i move the view in game when walking, with vsync "on" i can play almost normally but the mouse problem is still here but less than before, today i have installed the recent windows cumulative patch but this don't fix the mouse problem.
About my mod, the name is "Sauerbraten Level Design Edition (v1.0)" :
Main change:
-New executables files of Sauerbraten in 32&64 bit.
-New menus theme and new menus for editing (*.cfg).
Source code based on the last official release "Sauerbraten Collect Edition" version, this mean my build is 100% compatible with the official Sauerbraten Collect Edition servers.
Remember it's work in progress use at your own risk, save often your maps, normally from all my tests all things works fine, i never have a big problem.
Full list of my changes with the help of my brother Mugen:
- Added new font made by Siesta (source: "").
- Added transparency background for all menus.
- Added "Editing" menu in the main menu.
- Added "Custom map" menu in the main menu.
- Added "load map" menu inside "map" tab menu to write the name of a map to load.
- Added "load map" and "load map name" menu in the main menu.
- Added "load map", "load map name" and "Save map name" menu below editing menu, "ESC" key when you are in the edit mode.
- Added "newent jumppad" menu inside "ent" tab menu.
- Added and modified some new icons and background image from "Marble Arena 2" game, "MetalHeart" game, "Comed" game, "Mars Massacre B3" game and Mono theme GUI by Scnd101 ( to make this new cool theme GUI.
- Restored the old logo of sauerbraten cube 2 engine but now it's blue logo, blue theme everywhere ( icons, cursor, loading bar etc.. )
- Modified the texture browser menu (F2 key) to show the texture properties with preview texture and texture info settings (bump map, diffuse, parallax etc...) while the mouse cursor
move over the thumbnail texture; feature from the source code of the "Platinum Sandbox 2.7.1" game (, see the new "octaedit.cpp" source file,
this result of new sauerbraten exectuable 32bit & 64bit files, sometimes the menu can shake all textures, i don't know how to fix that, maybe it's a problem with the texture name that is too long.
- Added a new texture menu "Texture parameters" (F1 key), (Esc key to exit the menu), when you have a texture selected in edit mode, press F1 key to have the texture parameters menu and apply some change on the texture like the scroll,scale,
offset, color etc.., no more console input to do these things, also the menu is 100% transparent to have a better preview when manipulating the texture settings input, feature based of the "texmenu script" made by SomeDude and
RaZgRiZ's feature at (""), added some new code and new arrow icons, also the menu try to mimic the texure parameters style menu of the "Marble Arena 2" game. ( see file : "texmenu2.cfg" )
- Added texture name, grid power size and brush name in lower left menu when we are in the edit mode, feature from the "stdedit.cfg", file from the "Platinum Sandbox 2.7.1" game (
- Added Outline "ON" toggled when entering in the edit mode.
- Added several colors for the Outline in the edit mode. (F9 key to swap colors), feature from the "stdedit.cfg" file from the "Platinum Sandbox 2.7.1" game (
- Added some new development grid textures for editing map, now the default grey texture is more accurate and come with various colors, also some new dev textures with sizes and rules and the dev texture from Marble Arena 2.
Make your choice! (the installation replace directly your old defaut grey texture with the new one more accurate.), to use the others new dev texures you need to rename them in "default.png" file name, test them one by one.
The "default.png" file is in "texture" folder.