Overflow (FFA/Duel) - sounds good, but can't really tell from telepahty
Atchafalaya Remake (Capture) - 4 please ctf the shit out of this map, and also make the aligator thing
Port Aven (CTF/Capture) - 2 really cool, maybe a bit too big, smaller version definitely cool for ctf ala forgotten!
Waterlogged (CTF/Capture) - can't see shit on the screens
Akimiski_XL (CTF/Capture) - 4 really like it, i don't see why it's not finished
Self_Destruct (Timed SP) - would rather like this to be a ctf map! looks neat sofar
TAQTVZ-Ch.1: Atchafalaya Town (SP) - 0 don't need it, but props for the ziplines
The Walk (SP) - 0
BC1 (geothermal 4) (CTF/Capture) - 3