I think it has a lot of ammo
I feel better this:
Thanks for your opinion! I think switching the quad with rockets works well. However i can't say the placement on the lower level(with the glass floor) makes sense: With only bullets nades and health there is no point in going down there, since rockets will wreck you from a higher level. Unfortunately sauer is not perfectly balanced and in most cases rockets have the highest gameplay value. You also replaced the rockets from the highest platform with rounds. The rockets were only obtainable via rifle-jump or jumping on the lower platform before, but they are worth the risk of getting shot or failing the jump. Rifles are not, and i think people will simply not use the platform, because the value/risk ratio doesnt work out anymore.
To be honest i don't plan on changing the item placement at the moment. (re)moving items causes too much balance loss.
Im still grateful for your feedback and if it appears that my gameplay plan wont work as excpected i will take your file as a reference.