I like these a lot.
The lighting could use some improvement though. I think, there are way too many torches and lights without light sources. Maybe you would want to try the following:
1. Reduce the skytexture value and add a sunlight, coming from that moon in the skybox. Maybe rotate it a little. This way you get some more interesting contrast and shadows already. Looking at the skybox, I would tend to some slightly blue skylight and some pale sunlight.
2. Kill all torches in the upper areas and replace them by lights coming from inside the rooms of the buildings/towers ( like in the map memento e.g.).
3. Reduce the amount of torches in the lower areas by 50% and put the lightsources closer to the torches. Use a slightly warmer tone (yellowish/orange) for these (and also the rooms metioned in 2.).
Less is more here, imho.
More to come later.