Hi all!
Some suggestions for more ComEd features:
- make the clock visible in start menu and all loading screens (like calclight)
- make all of those loading screens responsive, so you can alt+tab out of them
- a more useful loading screen, some ideas: a 360 screenshot of the map you can look around in. Or, if you're connecting to a server, a list of all people on that server plus their stats. The name of the maker of the map.
- change the loading progress bar, so that when it reaches 100%, the mapload is fully done (right now it resets multiple times, not so helpful)
- vars to make the text particles above player's heads (name, damage done to them) better visible, another color and visible from further away
- make pickup sounds play at the same moment an item is picked up, not slightly after, which is the case now
- better intermission screen: centered big font score; extensive stats for every player
- change the color of the armor bar above teammates to the type of armor he has (so a yellow bar if he has yellow armor). The health bar is green, which would be a problem if the teammate had green armor, so change the color of the health bar to white or red
- better server browser: server preview, total amount of players online, country the server is in, server search, maybe even player search?
- right now if you kill someone or get killed, and then kill/die another time before the first kill message faded away, that first kill's message gets replaced by the latter one. Make, if there's still a kill message on the screen, the next one appear under/above the first one
- an option to the serverbrowserpreview/scoreboard to show the country a player connected from (the name/abbreviation, maybe even the flag?)
- vars to customize the presence, size, position and alpha of every single hud item (radar, health, armor), also maybe vars to hide certain hud elements in insta (like it is already done now for the ammo bar)
- hud elements that show your amount of kills, deaths, kpd, accuracy, ping etc. This seems to be implemented already (with gamehud), but how does it work exactly? Doesn't seem to be intuitive, which is a problem for newcomers
- a var to change the alpha of the hudguns
Also I'm willing to help make ComEd even more awesome
I know Cubescript and C++ (though the latter has gotten a little bit dusty), and ofcourse testing won't be a problem for me either.