Sauerworld Forum

Sauerbraten Content => Mods => Topic started by: 3dcamper on May 09, 2024, 03:29:39 PM

Title: easy way for terrain map?
Post by: 3dcamper on May 09, 2024, 03:29:39 PM
Is there an easy way to create terrain for tesseract/sauerbraten? What I mean is shown in the video at the link. I made this map for doom 1/2 (for the k8vavoom port) in blender 3d editor, saved it to an obj file and converted it to UDMF (universal doom map format) using Ultimate Doombuilder. Is something similar possible for tesseract/sauerbraten?
Title: Re: easy way for terrain map?
Post by: Salatiel on May 25, 2024, 09:47:57 PM
The best easy way is to use the heightmap editor within the game itself, you can do that by pressing H and scrolling the mouse wheel.

If you want to use Blender to export geometries to Sauerbraten, there is OGZ-Editor ( (just feed the json file generated by the blender addon into the ogz editor) or Wrack's Marching Cubes ( implementation.
Title: Re: easy way for terrain map?
Post by: 3dcamper on June 01, 2024, 09:43:49 PM
>ogz editor

I didn't know about such an editor. Thank you. Does the creator by any chance have any plans to make a converter from levels from other games (for example, from doom) to OGZ (and CGZ)?