This list gathers some (confirmed) bugs/glitches that I found in Collect, as well as in the current SVN version.
I didn’t want to include some other fps drop issues as I think they’re hardware related, and don’t happen to everyone.
Infinite entity selection fixed ( you use the /nearestent command next to an ent multiple times, the selection will accumulate and "ghost" entities will be generated, killing the fps...
Bots remain dead forever fixed ( you pause a CTF match while a bot is dead, he will never respawn again. (
I haven't tested it in other modes.
Tab key does not work on Guieditors fixed ( least for me, the indent key (tab) does not work in the SVN version (works as a bind normally).
Incosistent Guirollover actions fixed ( you open the skybox, map or mapmodels menu and click the thumbnail without hovering an option, a different action will be executed, sometimes this action is "quit", and there goes your map that you forgot to save... :D
Your lightmap breaks if another player modifies the mapI know this is not a bug, but I think it would be more appropriate if the fullbright was applied only to the cube that was modified, and not in an entire area around it, it would have a really good impact on the coop editing, since players would no longer need to stop editing to avoid breaking other player's calclight... :D

(red = skylight)
That's all I remember.