Sauerworld Forum

Sauerbraten Content => Scripts => Topic started by: subbed74 on June 28, 2017, 04:43:50 AM

Title: Frag Records
Post by: subbed74 on June 28, 2017, 04:43:50 AM
This is a script I've been working on to store frag records for various maps and modes.  When you play a map/mode combo that does not have a record stored, your stats are stored on intermission.  If you do have a record for that, it will be replaced with the current stats if the current frag count exceeds that of the record. 

The menu is bound to "p" by default, and this can be changed by changing the alias "fragkey" near the top of the script (for now).  If you run "/customize", it will show an X to the left of maps/modes allowing you to either clear the record for that mode, or an entire map.  Run the command again to get rid of the "X"s.

Screenshots are attached below.


Code: [Select]
//Frag Records (Vanilla Edition) 2.0.1 - by [FD]Venera
//Save this code as "fragrecords.cfg" then add 'exec "/PATH/TO/fragrecords.cfg"' to your autoexec.cfg to install the script.

//This script will keep track of your frag records for every mode except coop-edit. 
//When your frags in a game surpass the current frags stored for that map/mode, it will update with all of your stats for that game.

//fragdata_MAPNAME = [ [MODENUM FRAGS DEATHS KpD ACC FLAGS (if applicable)] [MODENUM2 FRAGS2 ... ] ]
//fragdata_list = [MAPNAME MAPNAME2 MAPNAME3 ...]

//Set the bind and say it's working
fragkey = "p"
bind $fragkey [ showgui "Frag Records" ]
echo (format "^f6[ RECORDS ] ^f0Frag Records activated!  Open the menu with ^f6%1" $fragkey)

//Check if aliases needed are set, if not, set them
if (=s (getalias fragdata_list) "") [ fragdata_list = "" ]

//Frag Records GUI
newgui "Frag Records" [  //Main GUI
guistayopen [
guititle "^f3[ MAP LIST ]"
guilist [
guitext "^f6Search: "
guifield fragdata_searchbox 20
guibutton "^f0Go" [ fragdata_search $fragdata_searchbox ]
//Loop the current list and create buttons
tabindex = 0
tabcounter = 1
looplist mapbutton $fragdata_list [
if (= $tabindex 14) [
guitab $tabcounter
tabcounter = (+ $tabcounter 1)
tabindex = -4
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [fragdata_clearmap @mapbutton] ]
guibutton $mapbutton [fragdata_viewmap = @mapbutton; showgui "Records"]
tabindex = (+ $tabindex 1)

newgui "Records" [  //Map GUI
guistayopen [
tempname = [fragdata_@fragdata_viewmap]
fragdata = (getalias $tempname)

//Title the list with the map name
guititle $fragdata_viewmap
guibutton "^f3Map list" [showgui "Frag Records"]

//Loop through the list of data and do the thing
looplist curdata $fragdata [
if (inlist $fragctfmodes (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0))) [
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [ fragdata_clearmode @fragdata_viewmap @(at $curdata 0) ] ]
datatext = (format "^f6%1 ^f1| ^f5Frags: ^f0%2 ^f5Deaths: ^f0%3 ^f5KpD: ^f0%4 ^f5Acc: ^f0%5 ^f5Flags: ^f0%6" (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0)) (at $curdata 1) (at $curdata 2) (at $curdata 3) (at $curdata 4) (at $curdata 5) (at $curdata 6))
guitext $datatext
] [
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [ fragdata_clearmode @fragdata_viewmap @(at $curdata 0) ] ]
datatext = (format "^f6%1 ^f1| ^f5Frags: ^f0%2 ^f5Deaths: ^f0%3 ^f5KpD: ^f0%4 ^f5Acc: ^f0%5" (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0)) (at $curdata 1) (at $curdata 2) (at $curdata 3) (at $curdata 4) (at $curdata 5))
guitext $datatext

//Add things to the list(s) on intermission
//Note:  Must have fragrec_intermission in /intermission.  /intermission = [fragrec_intermission]
fragrec_intermission = [
if (! (isspectator (getclientnum))) [
if (! (inlist $fragdata_list $mapname)) [ //If map doesn't have a record
fragrec_addrecord 0
] [ //If the map has a record, check if this mode is already recorded
mapmodes_alias = [fragmodes_@mapname]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodes_alias)

if (! (inlist $mapmodes (getmode))) [ //If the mode has not been recorded
fragrec_addrecord 1
] [  //If the mode exists, compare the frag counts and replace the record if necessary
fragrec_addrecord 2

//Functions that accomplish things
fragrec_addrecord = [ //Adds records.  0 = Completely new, 1 = map exists, but not mode, 2 = beat previous record
fragrec_replace = $arg1
fragrec_add = 1

mapdata_alias = [fragdata_@mapname]
mapdata = (getalias $mapdata_alias)
mapmodes_alias = [fragmodes_@mapname]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodes_alias)

replacedata = (format "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6" (getmode) (getfrags) (getdeaths) (divf (getfrags) (getdeaths)) (getaccuracy) (? (flagcheck) (getflags) "X"))
newdata = (concatword "[ " $replacedata " ]")
replaceloop_switch = 1

case $fragrec_replace 0 [ //Do the thing if the map doesn't exist in records
fragdata_list = (concat $fragdata_list $mapname)
alias $mapdata_alias $newdata
alias $mapmodes_alias (getmode)

fragrec_add = 1
] 1 [ //Do the thing if the map exists, but the mode does not.
alias $mapmodes_alias (concat $mapmodes (getmode))
alias $mapdata_alias (concat $mapdata $newdata)

fragrec_add = 1
] 2 [ //Do the thing if the new record's frags are higher than the old ones
loopwhile i (listlen $mapdata) [= $replaceloop_switch 1] [
tempdata = (at $mapdata $i)

if (&& (= (at $tempdata 0) (getmode)) (> (getfrags) (at $tempdata 1))) [
alias $mapdata_alias (strreplace $mapdata $tempdata $replacedata)
replaceloop_switch = 0

fragrec_add = 0

if ($fragrec_add) [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f0A new record was create for ^f5%1 %2!" (at $fragmodenames (getmode)) $mapname)
] [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f0You have beaten your previous record for ^f5%1 %2!" (at $fragmodenames (getmode)) $mapname)

fragdata_search = [  //Checks to see if a given map exists within the records
if (inlist $fragdata_list $arg1) [
fragdata_viewmap = $arg1
showgui "Records"
] [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f0You do not have any records recorded for ^f5%1" $arg1)
showgui "Frag Records"

fragdata_clearmap = [ //Removes a map and all of its records
tempname = [fragdata_@arg1]
alias $tempname ""
tempname = [fragmodes_@arg1]
alias $tempname ""

listname = (format " %1" $arg1)
fragdata_list = (listsplice $fragdata_list "" (indexof $fragdata_list $arg1) 1)

echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f0All records were erased for ^f5%1" $arg1)

fragdata_clearmode = [ //Removes a record for a mode within a map
mapdataname = [fragdata_@arg1]
mapdata = (getalias $mapdataname)
mapmodename = [fragmodes_@arg1]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodename)

looplist curdata $mapdata [
if (= (at $curdata 0) $arg2) [
wholedata = (format "[%1]" $curdata)

mapdata = (strreplace $mapdata $wholedata "")
alias $mapdataname $mapdata

mapmodes = (listsplice $mapmodes "" (indexof $mapmodes $arg2) 1)
alias $mapmodename $mapmodes

echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f0Record removed for ^f5%1 %2" (at $fragmodenames $arg2) $arg1)

customize = [ //Toggles customization options
customize_switch = (? (customize_switch) 0 1)

//Useful minor functions and aliases
fragmodenames = [FFA Coop Teamplay Insta "Insta Team" Effic "Effic Team" Tactics "Tactics Team" Capture "Regen Capture" CTF iCTF Protect iProtect Hold iHold eCTF eProtect eHold Collect iCollect eCollect]
fragctfmodes = [CTF iCTF Protect iProtect Hold iHold eCTF eProtect eHold]
inlist = [ result (!= (indexof $arg1 $arg2) -1) ]
flagcheck = [
if (inlist $fragctfmodes (at $fragmodenames (getmode))) [
result 1
] [
result 0
Title: Re: Frag Records
Post by: subbed74 on December 28, 2017, 03:47:15 AM
The script has been updated!  I've redesigned the GUI, added a couple commands, reformatted the text, and fixed a couple of bugs.  The installation instructions remain the same.  /customize has been removed.

getrecord [MAPNAME] [MODENAME] - It grabs the record for the given information and displays it in the console.  If no map/mode has been specified, it displays the record for the current game.  If the map is specified, a mode must be given as well (same mode name as if voting for one).

setrecord - Toggles record keeping on or off.  This can also be changed through the Settings menu in the Records GUI.

Code: [Select]
//Frag Records (Vanilla Edition) 3.0 (27/12/17) - by [FD]Venera
//Save this code as "fragrecords.cfg" then add 'exec "/PATH/TO/fragrecords.cfg"' to your autoexec.cfg to install the script.

//This script will keep track of your frag records for every mode except coop-edit. 
//When your frags in a game surpass the current frags stored for that map/mode, it will update with all of your stats for that game.

//fragdata_MAPNAME = [ [MODENUM FRAGS DEATHS KpD ACC FLAGS (if applicable)] [MODENUM2 FRAGS2 ... ] ]
//fragdata_list = [MAPNAME MAPNAME2 MAPNAME3 ...]

//Check if aliases needed are set, if not, set them
if (=s (getalias fragdata_list) "") [ fragdata_list = "None" ]
if (=s (getalias fragkey) "") [ fragkey = "p" ]
if (=s (getalias fragrec_switch) "") [ fragrec_switch = 1 ]

//Set the bind and say it's working
bind $fragkey [ showgui "Frag Records" ]
echo (format "^f6[ RECORDS ] ^f7Frag Records activated!  Open the menu with ^f6%1^f7!" $fragkey)

//GUI - Main Menu
newgui "Frag Records" [
guistayopen [
guititle "^f3[ MAIN MENU ]"
guibutton "^f7Show Records" [ showgui "Map List" ]
guibutton "^f4Settings" [ showgui "Frag Records Settings" ]
guibutton "^f3Close" [ cleargui ]

//GUI - Settings
newgui "Frag Records Settings" [
guistayopen [
guititle "^f3[ SETTINGS ]"
guibutton "^f3Back" [ showgui "Frag Records" ]
guilist [
guilist [
guilist [
guitext "^f6Bound Key: "
guifield fragkey 10
guilist [
guibutton "^f7Clear ^f3all ^f7records" [ showgui "Clear Records" ]
guicheckbox "^f0Show delete buttons" customize_switch
guicheckbox "^f0Collect records on intermission" fragrec_switch

//GUI - Clear Records
newgui "Clear Records" [
guistayopen [
guitext "Are you sure you want to clear all records?"
guibutton "^f0Yes" [ fragrec_clearall ]
guibutton "^f3No" [ showgui "Frag Records Settings" ]

//GUI - Map list
newgui "Map List" [
guistayopen [
guititle "^f3[ MAP LIST ]"
guibutton "^f3Go back" [ showgui "Frag Records" ]
guilist [
guitext "^f6Search: "
guifield fragdata_searchbox 20
guibutton "^f0Go" [ fragdata_search $fragdata_searchbox ]
//Loop the current list and create buttons
tabindex = 0
tabcounter = 1
looplist mapbutton $fragdata_list [
if (= $tabindex 14) [
guitab $tabcounter
tabcounter = (+ $tabcounter 1)
tabindex = -4
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [fragdata_clearmap @mapbutton] ]
guibutton $mapbutton [ fragdata_viewmap = @mapbutton; showgui "Records" ]
tabindex = (+ $tabindex 1)

//GUI - Record list for the map
newgui "Records" [
guistayopen [
tempname = [fragdata_@fragdata_viewmap]
fragdata = (getalias $tempname)

//Title the list with the map name
guititle $fragdata_viewmap
guibutton "^f3Map list" [showgui "Frag Records"]

//Loop through the list of data and do the thing
looplist curdata $fragdata [
if (inlist $fragctfmodes (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0))) [
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [ fragdata_clearmode @fragdata_viewmap @(at $curdata 0) ] ]
datatext = (format "^f6%1 ^f1| ^f5Frags: ^f0%2 ^f5Deaths: ^f0%3 ^f5KpD: ^f0%4 ^f5Acc: ^f0%5 ^f5Flags: ^f0%6" (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0)) (at $curdata 1) (at $curdata 2) (at $curdata 3) (at $curdata 4) (at $curdata 5) (at $curdata 6))
guitext $datatext
] [
guilist [
if (customize_switch) [ guibutton "^f3X  " [ fragdata_clearmode @fragdata_viewmap @(at $curdata 0) ] ]
datatext = (format "^f6%1 ^f1| ^f5Frags: ^f0%2 ^f5Deaths: ^f0%3 ^f5KpD: ^f0%4 ^f5Acc: ^f0%5" (at $fragmodenames (at $curdata 0)) (at $curdata 1) (at $curdata 2) (at $curdata 3) (at $curdata 4) (at $curdata 5))
guitext $datatext

//Functions that accomplish things
fragrec_addrecord = [ //Adds records.  0 = Completely new, 1 = map exists, but not mode, 2 = beat previous record
fragrec_replace = $arg1
fragrec_add = -1
if (=s $fragdata_list "None") [ fragdata_list = "" ]

mapdata_alias = [fragdata_@mapname]
mapdata = (getalias $mapdata_alias)
mapmodes_alias = [fragmodes_@mapname]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodes_alias)

replacedata = (format "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6" (getmode) (getfrags) (getdeaths) (divf (getfrags) (getdeaths)) (getaccuracy) (? (flagcheck) (getflags) "X"))
newdata = (concatword "[ " $replacedata " ]")
replaceloop_switch = 1

case $fragrec_replace 0 [ //Do the thing if the map doesn't exist in records
fragdata_list = (concat $fragdata_list $mapname)
alias $mapdata_alias $newdata
alias $mapmodes_alias (getmode)

fragrec_add = 1
] 1 [ //Do the thing if the map exists, but the mode does not.
alias $mapmodes_alias (concat $mapmodes (getmode))
alias $mapdata_alias (concat $mapdata $newdata)

fragrec_add = 1
] 2 [ //Do the thing if the new record's frags are higher than the old ones
loopwhile i (listlen $mapdata) [= $replaceloop_switch 1] [
tempdata = (at $mapdata $i)

if (&& (= (at $tempdata 0) (getmode)) (> (getfrags) (at $tempdata 1))) [
alias $mapdata_alias (strreplace $mapdata $tempdata $replacedata)
replaceloop_switch = 0

fragrec_add = 0

case $fragrec_add 0 [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7You have beaten your previous record for ^f5%1 %2^f7!" (at $fragmodenames (getmode)) $mapname)

] 1 [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7A new record was added for ^f5%1 %2^f7!" (at $fragmodenames (getmode)) $mapname)

fragdata_search = [  //Checks to see if a given map exists within the records
if (inlist $fragdata_list $arg1) [
fragdata_viewmap = $arg1
showgui "Records"
] [
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7You do not have any records for ^f5%1^f7!" $arg1)
showgui "Frag Records"

fragdata_clearmap = [ //Removes a map and all of its records
tempname = [fragdata_@arg1]
alias $tempname ""
tempname = [fragmodes_@arg1]
alias $tempname ""

listname = (format " %1" $arg1)
fragdata_list = (listsplice $fragdata_list "" (indexof $fragdata_list $arg1) 1)

echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7All records were erased for ^f5%1^f7!" $arg1)

fragdata_clearmode = [ //Removes a record for a mode within a map
mapdataname = [fragdata_@arg1]
mapdata = (getalias $mapdataname)
mapmodename = [fragmodes_@arg1]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodename)

looplist curdata $mapdata [
if (= (at $curdata 0) $arg2) [
wholedata = (format "[%1]" $curdata)

mapdata = (strreplace $mapdata $wholedata "")
alias $mapdataname $mapdata

mapmodes = (listsplice $mapmodes "" (indexof $mapmodes $arg2) 1)
alias $mapmodename $mapmodes

echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7Record removed for ^f5%1 %2^f7!" (at $fragmodenames $arg2) $arg1)

fragrec_clearall = [  //Clears all records
looplist tempdata $fragdata_list [
tempalias = [fragmodes_@tempdata]
alias $tempalias ""
tempalias = [fragdata_@tempdata]
alias $tempalias ""
fragdata_list = ""

echo "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7All records have been ^f3removed^f7!"
showgui "Frag Records"

getrecord = [
if (=s $arg1 "") [  //If mapname is not specified, pull the data for the current map and mode
if (inlist $fragdata_list $mapname) [
//Grab the map's data
tempalias = [fragdata_@mapname]
mapdata = (getalias $tempalias)
tempalias = [fragmodes_@mapname]
mapmodes = (getalias $tempalias)

//Check if the mode exists, if not error
if (inlist $mapmodes (getmode)) [
modenumber = (at $mapmodes (indexof $mapmodes (getmode)))
recorddata = (at $mapdata (indexof $mapmodes (getmode)))
//Check for CTF mode
if (inlist $fragctfmodes (at $fragmodenames $modenumber)) [
recordstatement = (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f5%1 %2^f7: Frags: ^f3%3 ^f1| ^f7Deaths: ^f3%4 ^f1| ^f7KpD: ^f3%5 ^f1| ^f7Accuracy: ^f3%6 ^f1| ^f7Flags: ^f3%7" (at $fragmodenames $modenumber) $mapname (at $recorddata 1) (at $recorddata 2) (at $recorddata 3) (at $recorddata 4) (at $recorddata 5))
] [
recordstatement = (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f5%1 %2^f7: Frags: ^f3%3 ^f1| ^f7Deaths: ^f3%4 ^f1| ^f7KpD: ^f3%5 ^f1| ^f7Accuracy: ^f3%6" (at $fragmodenames $modenumber) $mapname (at $recorddata 1) (at $recorddata 2) (at $recorddata 3) (at $recorddata 4))

echo $recordstatement
] [
echo "^f3[ ERROR ] ^f7There are no records for this mode."
] [
echo (format "^f3[ ERROR ] ^f7There are no records for ^f5%1" $mapname)
] [  //Pull the data for the specified map and mode.  Error if mode not specified
if (&& (!=s $arg2 "") (inlist $modenames $arg2)) [
//Check if the map exists
if (inlist $fragdata_list $arg1) [
//Pull the map's modes, then check if the mode exists in the records
tempalias = [fragmodes_@arg1]
mapmodes = (getalias $tempalias)

if (inlist $mapmodes (indexof $modenames $arg2)) [
//Pull the data for the map and mode; present the results
modeindex = (indexof $mapmodes (getmode))
modedata = (at $mapmodes $modeindex)
modename = (at $fragmodenames (indexof $modenames $arg2))
tempalias = [fragdata_@arg1]
recorddata = (at (getalias $tempalias) $modeindex)

//Check if it's a flag mode and present the proper results
if (inlist $fragctfmodes $modename) [
recordstatement = (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f5%1 %2^f7: Frags: ^f3%3 ^f1| ^f7Deaths: ^f3%4 ^f1| ^f7KpD: ^f3%5 ^f1| ^f7Accuracy: ^f3%6 ^f1| ^f7Flags: ^f3%7" (at $fragmodenames $modenumber) $mapname (at $recorddata 1) (at $recorddata 2) (at $recorddata 3) (at $recorddata 4) (at $recorddata 5))
] [
recordstatement = (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f5%1 %2^f7: Frags: ^f3%3 ^f1| ^f7Deaths: ^f3%4 ^f1| ^f7KpD: ^f3%5 ^f1| ^f7Accuracy: ^f3%6" (at $fragmodenames $modenumber) $mapname (at $recorddata 1) (at $recorddata 2) (at $recorddata 3) (at $recorddata 4))

echo $recordstatement
] [
echo "^f3[ ERROR ] ^f7There is no record for that mode!"
] [
echo (format "^f3[ ERROR ] ^f7No record exists for ^f5%1" $arg1)
] [
echo "^f3[ ERROR ] ^f7Invalid mode specified!"

//COMMAND - setrecord - Toggles the record keeping on or off
setrecord = [
fragrec_switch = (? ($fragrec_switch) 0 1)
echo (format "^f6[ RECORD ] ^f7Record keeping has been turned %1^f7!" (? ($fragrec_switch) "^f0on" "^f3off"))

//EVENT - Intermission
//Note:  Must have fragrec_intermission in /intermission.  /intermission = [fragrec_intermission]
fragrec_intermission = [
if (&& (! (isspectator (getclientnum))) $fragrec_switch) [
if (! (inlist $fragdata_list $mapname)) [ //If map doesn't have a record
fragrec_addrecord 0
] [ //If the map has a record, check if this mode is already recorded
if (!= (getmode) 1) [ //Only record if it is not coop
mapmodes_alias = [fragmodes_@mapname]
mapmodes = (getalias $mapmodes_alias)

if (! (inlist $mapmodes (getmode))) [ //If the mode has not been recorded
fragrec_addrecord 1
] [  //If the mode exists, compare the frag counts and replace the record if necessary
fragrec_addrecord 2

//Useful minor functions and aliases
fragmodenames = [FFA Coop Teamplay Insta "Insta Team" Effic "Effic Team" Tactics "Tactics Team" Capture "Regen Capture" CTF iCTF Protect iProtect Hold iHold eCTF eProtect eHold Collect iCollect eCollect]
fragctfmodes = [CTF iCTF Protect iProtect Hold iHold eCTF eProtect eHold]
inlist = [ result (!= (indexof $arg1 $arg2) -1) ]
flagcheck = [
if (inlist $fragctfmodes (at $fragmodenames (getmode))) [
result 1
] [
result 0